Reviews from

in the past

A história me prendeu do início ao fim, sendo ela muito bem conduzida e impactante, as mecânicas no jogo são super divertidas e singulares, encaixando com a história. A câmera pode ser um pouco irritante em alguns momentos, bem como sua movimentação um pouco travada, porém a empresa soube utilizar muito bem os pontos negativos do jogo, encaixando até mesmo em sua atmosfera.

Jogo sem alma nenhuma.

Tenta tratar sobre diferentes assuntos da forma mais tediosa possível, um eterno walking simulator com alguns botões a mais. Não consegui jogar mais do que 2 horas e me cansei feio.

Que péssimo potencial desperdiçado, ter dois mundos rodando ao mesmo tempo é de fato uma coisa surpreendente.

medium is really good story game

This review contains spoilers

Nenhum gráfico, mecânica ou "visão artística" vai me fazer pensar que The Medium é um jogo minimamente bom. Ele não é nem medíocre. Ele é completamente não pensante.

O jogo revela que um pedófilo cometeu abuso sexual infantil, e então, alguns minutos depois, o jogo revela que este pedófilo passou sua infância durante a segunda guerra, com um padrasto abusivo, e sua crush de infância foi morta porque ela era judia.

Qual é a intenção desta revelação? Qual o propósito de colocar as duas revelações nesta ordem, ou de sequer incluir estes temas na história?

Por que a seção da gameplay em que você testemunha toda a backstory do pedófilo é a mais longa do jogo, e DEVO DIZER? Por que ele tem mais cenas mostrando a backstory triste dele do que A VÍTIMA DELE?

Eu ouso pensar que isso é uma tentativa de fazer o jogo ser "artístico". Quanto mais pesado o tema, quanto mais chocante a revelação, quanto mais bonito forem os visuais, mais "artístico" e "profundo" a temática do jogo parecerá.
Não somente isso, mas o jogo também tenta passar a vibe que seus personagens não são 100% bons ou ruins, visto que eles depois revelam que a vítima do abuso sexual infantil criou um monstro que é o problema de todo mundo agora.

O problema com isso é que, quando você perde noção das coisas e tenta fazer tudo ser "artístico" ou "complexo", você perde o significado do que a sua cena retrata.
Neste caso, o jogo PARECEU retratar um pedófilo como digno de pena e simpatia porque ele teve um padrasto abusivo e sua crush morreu. Eles não fizeram isso com essa intenção, mas sim com a forma deturpada e imbecil de tentar fazer isso a história ser "moralmente complexa", ou "psicologicamente complexa" sem qualquer noção que quem sofre nesse caso É A VÍTIMA DO ABUSO SEXUAL INFANTIL.

Eu poderia falar mais, mas eu não quero gastar mais tempo da minha vida pensando nesse lixo overhyped. Eles poderiam ter feito isso de forma diferente, mas esse jogo é refém de visuais bonitinhos e temática chocante sem qualquer significado.

I played this on 2 days during Christmas season in 2021, when it was part of the Game pass, and I have to say: while it looked really atmospherically interesting, I unfortunately just wasn't in the right mood for it.

It's a story game in a thrilling super-natural horror atmosphere; you walk around and try to solve a mistery, but you don't have any special abilities, etc. (it's not a shooter or anything; just a first-person exploration game). Something you'd want to play during the Halloween season.

I'll want to pick it up and finish it someday; but during Christmas it (unwillingly) got abandoned by me.

The Medium takes a bold step in the mental illness discourse by recommending killing yourself.

Definitely Bloober's solid title yet. Strong story at the start that derails in the end, solid puzzle and level design, the VA delivery can feel a bit corny, specially in the final hours, the stealth sections can get annoying at points, the spirit world is hauntingly beautiful and the OST is super immersive. It surprisingly doesn't feel 100% hardcore horror and someone who gets scared easily like myself can pick up and play this, while expecting a few jump scares. Besides some nitpicks, I thoroughly enjoyed it and strongly recommend it.

Good format, worse execution but def recomend for all of the Beksinsky fans out there. Atmosphere is through the roof.

This game made me lethargic to play. Aside from the story that is already thoroughly lambasted elsewhere, I think The Medium’s next biggest problem is just that it’s very meandering in its pace. You aren’t given many decisions to make, sometimes the puzzles solve themselves, and far too often are you made to move at a snail’s pace. There are cool ideas and visuals here, but as a whole this game is far from hitting the mark.

I did not realize this was a Bloober Team until the moment I started the game. I will now be extremely careful anytime I see their logo on a future project so I can stay the hell away. Far, far away.

The only positives are the pretty graphics and the unique perspective when you're viewing both worlds. The negatives here far outweigh the good. You can't cover up the absolute shit message with pretty graphics. Every time I think about The Medium, I remember the victims are portrayed as monsters.

I have no idea what's going on with their writing team, but they cannot handle traumatic themes at all. They have failed again, and again. This being the most egregious of all. It's not even "it's so bad, it's good." It's shameful. The entire message can boiled down to: Victims can never heal or overcome their pain. They can only pass it on with more pain by becoming a monster.

Also why the hell would you show me the depraved acts of a character and THEN expect me to feel sympathy afterwards? It doesn't work that way.

There's no reason to play The Medium. This has killed any future project of theirs I may want to try. I want nothing to do with them moving forward.

Walking simulator

You will love hearing Troy Baker yelling “ it all ends in pee “ or whatever lol

If someone tells you that this game feels like Silent Hill, he is lying.

Não consegui me envolver devido ao ritmo lento e à ausência de alguma mecânica envolvente ou elementos cativantes na história. Talvez volte para ele no futuro.

Très beau (même si perfectible dans les animations), une histoire profonde, une musique au top, des puzzles assez bien fichus et un concept de double réalité bien utilisé.

C'était bien bien cool.

The Medium é um jogo que entrega o que promete, mas em parte. O combo do trabalho visual e sonoro colocado no game encaixa como uma luva em sua narrativa pesada e macabra.
Review completa em:

Acabei de jogar The Medium

Parabéns para a equipe

Tirando alguns problemas técnicos como problemas de renderização (nada que interfira muito negativamente) ou as quedas de framerates...

O jogo é bão demais da conta

Nota: 8.5/10

Jogo Delicia 😍

Bloober Team's attempt at a Silent Hill game in a era (which we are still trapped in) of a lack of a serious presence of the series as a whole.

My only experience with Bloober's work has been Observer which I played last year out of sheer curiosity. This game oddly enough shares most of it's strenght and weaknesses which it shouldn't be surprising knowing it's comming from the same studio. Unlike Observer's cyberpunk-dystopian inspired setting, The Medium goes back in time to 90's poland and the camera shifts to a third person perspective. To my surprise there are differences as much as are similarities between both titles: scripted chases, limited combat, great atmosphere and very linear progression. But underneath the superficial aspects, The Medium hides it's true face and there are a lot of reasons it didn't reasonate with me as much as I hoped to.

The Medium for the most part is a walking sim, with puzzle elements here and there. And the most important aspect of all the "The Medium™ mechanic" which let's you see both realities at once, thank you next generation! It is a strong selling point which isn't even used that much in the game, keeps itself simple for a couple of puzzles to solve...and that is pretty much were it dies. Now, there are moments were it's use is justified and arguably the best use of this mechanic was in the very ending. It left a lot to be desired as it never goes beyond being an extension of the "Material World". Not entirely different. it offers nothing a quick change in scenery would have done with the power and speed M.2 and SSD provide just for a quick puzzle solution. Very hardware taxing too, specially for PCs. It is a neat idea on the surface, but one that ends up being heavly underutilized for whatever reason.

It takes some cues from the Silent Hill games, and definitely noted some influences from SH2 the most. In interviews, developers clearly stated their love for the forgotten Konami franchise. But does Bloober Team made a commendable effort to differentiate or at least be a game that adds to the genre as a whole? Not much. Let's be honest, the most famous Silent Hill games aren't exactly known for their deep gameplay mechanics rather it is the heavy opressing atmosphere of the town, the music score, beloved main characters and by times dark stories. But The Medium isn't any different, at times it can even be worse than the game released 20 years ago. First off, no map is needed to explore or mark notes on as the exploration is as linear as it gets. Total anhilation of your only limited guide through the game, it could've come in handy in the very last section. And second, combat is totally ditched outside certain scenes were it's not even required to continue. I'm all for a combat-less horror game, but this is straight up boring. Puzzles were fun and that is pretty much were my praises end.

The story surprisingly isn't all that bad, as Marianne our protagonist pieces the puzzles that is her past through her powers as a medium. It gets really dark after a while, tackling some sensitive issues such as suicide or even child trauma. Not talking "My mon hid my DS" child trauma, but rather problems that do occur in our society frequently that are hard to erradicate/change. A cycle of victims and perpetrators which share a common demon, no matter the time or person. Interesting topics to assemble a narrative, though I would say the overall message it delivers by the end fumbles what good will started to build in the beginning. It is possible to save someone with enough care and time into it. But there are times were it is truly impossible, that is all I'm going to say.

The Medium is full of design issues that kill what efficiency, time and resourses could've poured into other Bloober projects. The worst you can do is a game to feel longer than it really is while keeping yourself always comming with new maps, and new ideas that end up being never used ever later into the game. Misses the shot, and it misses again and time again with each oportunity they have to redeem themselves from it. Think about it, they have to create two whole different worlds for each scenario that end up being the same in layout just with different decoration. Highly inefficient from my point of view as it harms development time and resources. The more I think about this unique mechanic, the more issues I see.

But it's ok, they hired Akira Yamaoka...right?

The Medium is a really fun linear story-driven game. The only issue I faced was the FPS drops that happened randomly but frequently. It didn't undermine my experience to be honest. I enjoyed the mystery of the story and the gameplay.

It is not a game that I can praise due to its performance problems and excessively linear structure, but I enjoyed playing it thanks to its concept, atmosphere, graphic and sound design and well-written story. I wish there were more games in the gaming industry that could approach sensitive topics like this from an adult perspective.

Completely worthless game. I can see why people didn't want this studio on the Silent Hill 2 remake.

You walk around slowly, sometimes the game grants you the mercy of an also slow jog, and do incredibly basic "pick this up and put it down somewhere else" puzzles. That's if you're not in an incredibly bare-bones chase-sequence where all you have to do is steer, or a worse stealth-section where you wait around for the stalker to leave the room.

You could argue that the subject-matter, the protagonist's unending monologues, and presentation could do it for some people. I imagine the people that mainly liked the poems in the Silent Hill games would get something out of this. I suppose I'm old-fashioned in wanting resource-management and tense combat from my horror games. Although, I wouldn't enjoy the gameplay in this game regardless of its genre.

Not the target-audience of this at all. 1/5

Gosto demaius mesmo com todo hate sobre meu mundo dividido ser confuso e gameplay com altos e baixos (história é padrão Bloomer Team de qualidade)

an absolute fucking embarrassment, truly the magnum opus of bloober teams absolute misunderstanding of any fucking mental health problems in the slightest, and accidentally wrote itself so far into a corner it justified pedophilia over possible KGB forces

masterful atmosphere, some lackluster parts.

Devo dizer, quando conheci esse jogo pelos trailers, sabia que eu iria gostar, mas não esperava que ele iria me surpreender tanto. Um jogo com uma inspiração clara em Silent Hill, com uma história melancólica e com reviravoltas que te deixam com o coração apertado. A história de Marianne é melancólica e você não consegue imaginar como é estar na situação dela. Com seres sobrenaturais usados pra tratar de temas sensíveis, o jogo trás uma dura realidade pra gente.

Agora, com exceção da falta de otimização do game e alguns bugs no áudio, é um jogo que vale totalmente a pena ser apreciado, e com calma. 8/10

Se vc fosse um jogo bom, qual seria?
Eu tenho medo de q SH 2 remake seja igual essa bomba, pq mds

J'ai jouer 1 heure. Le jeu est d'un ennui indescriptible

it gets one star for the amazing beksiński visuals otherwise i have nothing good to say about this game

(Played before 2023)
This is a really pretty game with a really fun mechanic, but that is all there is. Essentially no real gameplay, no interesting exploration, you just walk through a cool environment and do some puzzles that are basically just (go into spirit mode). You run into the monster and can die in only like, five parts of the game which really brought it down especially since those encounters aren’t actually dynamic encounters. You just move when the game makes it clear that you are supposed to.