Reviews from

in the past

game isnt even out yet and its miles above any fps ever

i have a D rank on every level on the game no joke am i this washed

os cara simplesmente melhoram doom e depois foram mimir

I've bought this game 10 times not including for myself. It's that good and it's not even finished!

this game might be the one of the most fun game i've played in recent years

This review contains spoilers

great shooter. also helped out w/ my life (throwing coins at my enemies is a very effective self-defense strategy)


se sexo existisse ele seria tipo ULTRAKILL


menkind is dead
blood is fuel
hell is full

the earthmover made me subconciously quit the game the first time i saw it 10/10 experience

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Бегалка стрелялка бродилка от первого лица с элементами

One of my first solo FPS experiences, I was being a bit skeptical at first because it didn't look like the type of game I would usually like, GOD WAS I WRONG (if he isn't dead ofc)

I legitimately had SO MUCH FUN trying to learn how to abuse each gun and mechanics the game would give to me, and the best part about it is that it's not even mandatory to finish the game, being good at ULTRAKILL is JUST for fun, I even tried to speedrun some of the levels because why the fuck not


o jogo é ótimo e impressionante pra uma beta, porém ele decai e se perde bastante no balanceamento de inimigos e em level design na layer 7 que, felizmente, faz parte do ato 3, que não está completo ainda, deixando com que minhas esperanças pra que melhorem isso nas layers 8 e 9 estejam altas

Imagine making a whole series of triple A games with the story of a guy who annihilates Hell itself cuz his bunny died, only for an indie, low-res game about a go-pro with guns to do it better. Not giving any names, cuz the Doom tiprides would get angry. Anyway, definition of peak.

the definitive newgen boomer shooter.

fps rápido, música boa e violência.


Minhas primeiras impressões com o jogo era de que foi realmente um jogo extremamente bem polido e divertido para se zerar em 5 horas e nunca mais abrir, até que graças a um amigo dei uma chance a tentar fazer os temidos "P-RANKS" e a partir desse momento me apaixonei pelo FPS que sem duvidas é o mais divertido que já joguei. Nessas 60 horas tive o prazer de """platinar""" o jogo 4 vezes em cada das (até então) 4 dificuldades que o jogo possui, alem de matar o que talvez seja um dos bosses mais difíceis que já lutei e pegar um rank alto no modo de hordas do jogo

me: i dont like breakcore
hakita: no you do
me: yes, i do

Devil may cry teve um filho com doom e ele é melhor que os dois.

This game is legit the best fucking shooter ever made and no one will be able to tell me otherwise.

Wow, what a fantastic time. I don't think I've played a game that has had this much freedom in movement and gunplay. Flying around the maps while blasting enemies has never felt better in another game. I finally understand why this game is so highly regarded, as even though it's still in early development, there is so much content available that you'll still take a full game's amount of time to complete. I'm eagerly looking forward for the next update.