Reviews from

in the past

why did they ruin this game with like 150 unnecessary updates

Child gains sentience and has a reasonable reaction.

actual stupidest shit ever, but it's fun.

very fun i like killing myself

Il a jamais marché sur mon pc honteux théma le graphisme.

so overhated man, it might be glitchy and bad made but thats part of the charm

I, why did i, why was this a game

Can be really laggy and buggy but really fun with friends

Currently 15th in the world for this game's any% speedrun.

Fun to play for an hour every few months with friend before it gets boring again

fun but gets old in 15 minutes

Ideas de suicidio profesional para bebés menores a 1 año

very very buggy but hilarious

needs better updates but i love the happy memories its blessed me with

Fun with friends. Only a couple of hours of fun.

got gifted this on steam as as a joke and it’s glitchy and awful yet a surprisingly entertaining and enjoyable game LMAOO like yes i would love to play as a baby & my only job is to break shit

i have such a weird relationship with this game. it's the first game i ever got on steam, and i remember playing hours of it together with friends, but apparently steam doesn't think so.

"last played sep 6, 2017". damn, really? it's been that long? "play time 3.9 hours". i remember way more than that?
apparently it didn't play as big of a part as i expected, but i still have loads of memories from it. it really does bring me back.

i like the humor it's given me years ago but cmon. its who's your daddy

A really crappy and glitchy game but it’s all a part of the charm. Even funnier when you play this with friends.

janky and clunky af but it is pretty hilarious

fun concept but the game is SO broken

how could anyone make killing babies so boring