Reviews from

in the past

I wanted to look up the meaning behind this game before reviewing it, because nothing really landed with me.

I can say that after understanding the lore and story of Abzu, I really don’t see anything special about it. You are (possibly) an alien going around guiding a great white shark to restore ocean life. Alright, fair enough. At least visually, it’s a - RANDOM SHARK JUMPSCARE - beautiful looking game with a mesmerizing soundtrack, full of colorful life and dreadful obstacles.

I’m just left disappointed because I know how beloved Journey is, and there’s not really anything here to dislike. But, it doesn’t seem significant in the slightest, and nothing seems important. It’s just a good looking, relaxing game, and there’s nothing wrong with that. 5/10.

wish i could play this game for the first time again

Drake's Fortune: 3/25/24 - 3/25/24

Among Thieves: 3/26/24 - 3/27/24

Look, the moment-to-moment experience of playing Sonic Frontiers is pretty fucked. You'll be fighting a camera which is designed to inconvenience you and swing around wildly at all times, you'll get locked onto mini obstacle courses when they pop in a meter ahead of you and not being able to return back to moving about the open world until you hop through a bunch of boost rings that shoot you in the opposite direction you want to move, and you'll deal with ever-changing controls as the camera state and context collaborate to make sure whatever you intended to do becomes something else. It's a mess that is pretty much impossible for me to look past.

But I can't really bring myself to dislike it. Despite the fact that it's barely functional and any emotional moment has to be surrounded by smirks and 5 of the weakest quips you've ever heard lest it come off as too sincere, the glitchy somber Digimon-movie aesthetic, tons of Cute Little Guys all over the place, and next-level tunes (outside of the boss fights...) make for something I ultimately still enjoyed a reasonable amount and don't regret giving my time. Frontiers is bold and deeply weird, and I'm always down for that.

Sonic forces is the most bland and boring sonic game ever. The level design consists of holding down the boost button and running in a straight line for 3 minutes.

The story while good in concept is executed very poorly. The game is very inconsistent as well, they say sonic was tortured for months but when we see him next he's still joking around.

On top of this in the main game Infinite is heavily implied to be a robot, but in the shadow dlc we find out he was a normal dude who turned evil after shadow insulted him. Speaking of infinite, he has one of the coolest designs out of all the sonic villians in my opinion, which sucks because he is so bland otherwise.

Another thing that's bland in this game is the writing, it is soooooo bad. I cringed at multiple points and overall it just left a bad taste in my mouth. The same can be said for classic sonic, the only reason he is in the game is for the filler levels and overall he just ruins the prestine nature of him in generations a little bit for me.

Also there is another continuity error with classic sonic, in this game he is referred to by tails as 'the sonic from another dimension' when this simply isn't true because it is made very clear that in generations he is simply a version of sonic from the past.

In conclusion, sonic forces is a bland boring mess of a game which makes me wish I could have the last 4 hours of my life back.

I see why this is one of the all-time classics, but a lot of really weird ass level design kinda plagues this one. The "pick a room and guess" bullshit from the castles is frustrating, blatantly unfun and unfair, there's just...blocks placed in random locations to where i thought my game was genuinely bugging out in some places, like 4-4. But, it's a product of its time and, like I said, I totally get why this one was such a massive hit, even if it's blown way out of the water by future games even on the same console. I like how speedrunning this game is literally just a best of compilation, too. Very funny.

Muy adictivo en su momento. Desde el manejo de tu propio estudio, hasta cómo formabas las películas. Podías hacer todo tipo de combinaciones extrañas, ver la reacción del público, embellecer el estudio, hacer más famosos tus actores y desarrollar la química con otros.

Realmente siempre había algo que hacer y cada aspecto del juego era entretenido y afectaba a todos los demás sectores. Todo con el propósito de ser el estudio #1 en Hollywood. Un juego muy completo, entretenido, con buen humor y súper divertido para los amantes de la industria del cine.

Sometimes all you need is a simple basic cheap platformer and this accomplishes that perfectly. Good time waster for an hour.

I hated Until Dawn but tried to go into this with an open mind hoping that Supermassive would have improved over the years, but no, this still got on my nerves instantly, especially the awful dialogue and annoying-as-hell characters (all of them). Horror is my favorite genre, and the prospect of playing an interactive horror movie has so much potential but the problem is that both Until Dawn and The Quarry would be total dogshit horror movies with terrible writing, and the interactive parts/choices jammed in are so awkward and clunky in execution, and that's when they aren't being completely faked, which they obviously are a lot of the time. Why is it only teams like this and David Cage that attempt this style/format? Can some people who actually understand horror and aren't terrible writers please take a crack at it?

Lo compré día 1, vi todas las entrevistas y me maravilló las primeras semanas que lo jugué. La estética del juego me encantó, desde la selección musical hasta el tono visual que hace referencia a las portadas de libros de ciencia ficción y aventura espacial. Pero, con el tiempo algunos sistemas para avanzar y tener mejor equipo me fue pareciendo cansado. Recursos increíblemente complicados de conseguir y diseños repetidos, que no me fomentaban mucho el seguir jugando.

Tiempo después, admiro al estudio por crecer tanto el juego y dar variedad de jugabilidad, diseños, planetas, naves... sin embargo, el núcleo de lo que me cansó la primera vez que lo jugué sigue ahí. El sistema de creación y avance, me parece aún complicado, sin que fomente mucho mi sentido de exploración y evolución espacial.

Aunque este juego no terminó siendo para mi, admiro mucho todo lo que los desarrolladores han mejorado con el tiempo y espero que sea un gran ejemplo para varios de que siempre hay espacio y tiempo para mejorar u experimentar.

Possibly the best sprite work i've seen in a 2D platformer, but the damage sponge enemies and long levels really make it drag.

I played it on the original Gameboy DMG-01 with a screen backlight mod. It was fun and not too difficult to play. However, I recognized how much I missed solving those puzzles and patterns to defeat the boss.

this game looks so fun to play but then once you play it its complete bullshit

Its an ok ace combat like game with some elements of old armored core in there. The sprites are charming and the music is great. It lacks in consistently good mission design and 3d models, and the controls of the jets are a little off, I would still recommend playing this game even with its flaws.

Everything great about the first game was thrown out the window. Dante not having any kind of emotion or cocky quips, combat having next to no weight to it, and a boring story to boot. The only other thing that I can say is that Devil's will cry if you play this.

This (and it's counterpart in Pokemon Fire Red) is the definitive version of Gen 1 for those who are curious to experience the origins of the world largest media franchise.

Everything that was off in the originals, such as the numerous bugs, has been fixed. And the graphical updates to the game stand up to this day.

Of course the problems inherent to the first game are still present, like the lack of an interesting quest/story (outside of your rival and Professor Oak, no character has more than like 4 lines of dialogue), the unbalanced nature of some types and the fact that the combat was somewhat basic.

But with all that said it still remains a fun experience from beginning to end and makes it clear why this franchise has remained on top since 1996. It's just plain fun to try and catch em all.