Reviews from

in the past

Wonderful, beautiful story about loss and what we leave behind. I would get into a deeper review but I would probably just end up repeating myself as I just adore this beautiful game

TLDR: 10/10 from be but still has flaws and dropped plot points. BUY THIS GAME and good luck on the path Witcher.

I did not expect this turn around after playing the Witcher 1 or even 2 for that matter. 1 Was just bad and 2 was noticeably better but still just a ok game, only really good looking next to 1. This outing was so exceptionally well done that this game has sold over 50 million copies even though its a third installment in a series where next to none have played the predecessors. Geralt and his close companions finally feel fleshed out and the world building is as good as you can get in one game.


There are of course downsides, no game is without flaw. there is quite a few dropped plot points like the last crone surviving, many of he lodge sorcerers being forgotten and being 11th hour characters, the wild hunt enemies not being fleshed out, a good but not edge of seat sitting level of story, For a a game being so perfectly written, it still has moments where characters lose iq like any other game, like my boy D turning on you and roach OPENLY WITH LIKE 2 HENCHMEN WITH HIM planning to rule Timeria for himself banking on the fact geralt will stay out of the conflict when geralt just showed he does pick sides lmao. This may be due to scrapped game concepts though which there was a lot if you look into it. Oh and you can kill Radovid (in a moment he also loses braincells but this can be easily explained due to madness) and no one in the world bats an eye.

While i listed a lot of world or story nitpicks... i didnt notice any of them during my actual gameplay due to how fun the game was, i did every sidequest and contract willingly. You only notice these minor issues in retrospective once someone points it out lol. Anyway im rambling, 10/10 will be getting Witcher 4.

Starfield, eu como um amante dos jogos da Bethesda esperava ansiosamente pro lançamento desse jogo, ainda sem console, apelei pra jogos na nuvem (GeforceNow) para jogar o bendito cujo no dia do lançamento, um mês jogando ele pelo GFN eu finalmente comprei meu Series S, já zerei starfield 3 vezes e posso dizer que não é um jogo ruim, mas faltou da parte da Bethesda a clareza de como esse jogo seria bem diferente dos seus ''irmãos'' mais velhos (Fallout, Elder Scrolls), essa falta de comunicação levou a comunidade a ficar espantada e assim, insatisfeita com a forma diferente de exploração e pacing de game, eu como amante de Astronomia me vejo perdido e encantado com a liberdade criativa com a historia principal e com toda a lore por trás do mundo criado para Starfield, desde cidades a facções, personagens e side quests são o DNA da Bethesta pulsando e mostrando que embora haja diferenças de Starfield para seus jogos mais antigos e amados, Starfield herdou muitas coisas boas deles e consegue te deixar imersivo, mas o que acaba acontecendo é que essa imersão é quebrada constantemente com loading screens, fazendo disso talvez a pior coisa dentro de starfield, junto claro com a exploração limitada de planetas, Starfield é um jogo bom (não é atoa que eu zerei 3 vezes) mas a falta de DLC e atualizações (até o mês 4 de 2024 pelo menos) fazem com que não haja muitas coisas que incentivam o jogador a voltar e dar mais uma chance, espero que com a vinda de MODS e com a DLC a visão geral do publico mude em relação a esse game, que apesar de tudo pra mim ainda é um Certified Hood Classic.

Played this when I was 13, and loved it a lot. It's not great. But i'll never get over the nostalgia for this, and the ost and characters I still appreciate now

EXCELLENT, so many courses, very fun and just awesome game

Getting a bias check out of the way: I've personally met and am friends with one of the creators, and my name is featured in the game as an egg. Try to find me!

This is, to my knowledge, the first ROM hack of a Spyro game. As a result, it's inherently limited by how little we know about manipulating the game. The level geometry is all the same - only textures could be changed - and the creation of new things like eggs, songs, or enemies was extremely limited (generally things had to just be moved from other places, or replaced in the files.

Considering these limitations, 3.5 went well beyond what you would expect before playing. The goals in each level are fundamentally different than in the base game, and no matter how many times you've played the original you will truly have no clue what to expect in this one. It's not just "Spyro but hard", and it's not just a wacky twist, it is genuinely worthy of being considered its own experience and continues to iterate on itself in new and interesting ways. In other words, the gameplay loop is that of an actual release, not of a fan mod.

One of my worries, in being a game created by speedrunners for speedrunners, was the barrier to entry. Everything leading up to the release of the game indicated to me that it would be a celebration of the tech explored over years by people like us, and as exciting as that was I worried about the inherent limitations of such a tight scope. I knew I would be able to beat it, because I'm the target audience, but creating a full game for the sake of something like 100 people feels like a waste, and so if your average person was excluded then I would be upset.

As I played, I found that the game does a surprisingly good job of teaching the player exactly what needs to be done. In playing Spyro 3.5, you'll become a good Spyro 3 runner. I would be shocked if anyone quit the game due to its difficulty, despite being much harder than the original, because you are taught extremely effectively by the NPCs, or even better, you're shown what to do and will instinctively do it, only to find that you just learned a speedrunning trick that you can then go back to Spyro 3 and try out.

This isn't to say it's just a speedrun thing, either, to be clear. If you've watched a speedrun of this game, you'll definitely find references, and the fastest way to do something may in some bases become the required way. But far more often, you'll have to do something entirely unrelated. Even more often, you'll have to do something that isn't even possible in the original game. Either way, don't expect this to be a rehash of something you've already seen no matter who you are or how experienced you are with Spyro 3.

I'm trying really hard not to mention some of my favorite moments here, because the last thing I want to do is take away from the jaw-dropping experience of seeing them for the first time. I really do mean it when I say you can't predict what's in this until you play it. If you have the slightest bit of nostalgia for the original Spyro games, give this a shot.

Watch my full playthrough here:

The most overrated Mario game, but still a lot of fun. I like this one but it is not the game you all say it is

My childhood mario game, will always love it and can't really say anything bad about it.

Not bad, but never worth playing when 8 deluxe exists.

its good fun with friends, better than MK DS which is definitley a controversial opinion

This game holds great childhood value

it's okay but I will never go out of my way to play it again

One of the only good gacha games in my opinion, very solid experience

Stunning game, beautiful music and art, with an interesting story hidden underneath.

One of the worst games I think I've played in my entire life. Poorly made and controls awfully. Art is nice but art is irrelevant when the game is unplayable.

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Well this was kinda ass, i finished the dlc before i finished the main game and the story is ok i think its nothing special really. But why do i get restricted in the battles???? Why does the difficulty ramp up like 10 fold on later maps
Why does chapter 5 exist. Why cant i get anything in battles no bond levels, no experience, no supports. Nothing you literally play this for the new characters because you dont gain anything otherwise. Also why are griss, zephia and marnie different in that world but everyone else isnt. it would make sense if everyone is different but its literally just those 3. what makes it even more weird that not even all of the 4 hounds are different its literally just zephia, marnie and griss. Mauvier is unchanged. They were like yeah we dont need a different mauvier you already get him in the main game so why bother. Cindered shadows was so much better lol

Although only 3 chorus's into Hi fi rush (at least at the time of writing this), Hi fi rush has such character and charisma to make the game hilarious and interesting. A fantastic combat system that feels rewarding, with a beautiful art style and spectacular world design that make the very walls themselves feel alive.

EDIT- I am now 10 choruses in and the game is phenomenal. It has such great humour and personality, you can just tell how much fun the dev's had making this. Hi-Fi rushes combat is super fun, with more and more unique enemies being thrown into the mix to make it harder and harder. Story is also very good, and engaging enough for me to want to know more. There are also several boss fights in the game and each is super fun and different, which makes you wonder what is going to happen for each boss. So yeah, even though i haven't even finished, HI-FI rush is a great game go play it.

Edit 2- Just finished, the game is still amazing and has a great ending.

Excellent, a few things I don't like but will never get over this game it's excellent

pretty good but overall the worst mario kart game of the ones i've played

this is a game. for sure. idk how i feel about it but it is a game. yeah. fascinating. so okay its just a little more than okay.

Great and underrated, but 3D world surpassed this one in every way in my opinion. Still excellent with a lot of content

One of the best mario games, easily beats out the original in almost every aspect (apart from the camera controls, yikes)

the first 10/10 2D Mario. Beautiful art style, music and level designs are creative and fun.

never played this but I like being a hater

Great collection, shame it was only available for a while. I had it, but can't redownload it due to it not being on Eshop anymore.

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Horizon feels like it should hit all the right beats for me, with its amazing dinosaur machines, an interesting story that carries on from the first game and Aloy, a great heroine protagonist who I adore. However, the games combat and open world make the game tedious and uninteresting. The combat is a fantastic base which attempts to build off of its predecessor with its new weapons. Unfortunately horizons combat felt clunky and tedious to use, and make incredible spectacle against large and awesome machines feel annoying more than anything. Horizon's biggest flaw however is its bland and uninteresting open world filled with meaningless icons and markers. Horizon could have worked so much better in a more linear game, as the missions themselves, (especially the Poseidon mission in the Las Vegas runes) are fun and interesting, but the open world makes running between markers tedious and take up time more than anything.

Really fun, have good memories with this game.

Really cool RPG elements and story. Gameplay and parkour feels a bit clunky sometimes. Still, solid gameplay