Reviews from

in the past

Something in this game just gripped my heart and refused to let go. I love this.

“It's not about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.”

Já zerei na Epic e no Switch, o próximo é a Steam. Jogo lindo, com história linda, mensagem linda e a jogabilidade é o morango do bolo

*Finished in March, no exact date

One of the best 2D platformers ive ever played, absolutely addicting!

- fairly simple story
- very cool life tips
- full of courage and will
- simply magnificent music

The goal of the game is not in the story but in the mechanics to use to move from one level to another. The mechanics are very well thought out, the speedrun is super accessible. The graphics are sumptuous in their colors but also in their simplicity (8 bits like).

Legit the best game I've ever played :3

Lindo de morrer! Apenas lágrimas de felicidade!

joguei 2 vezes e nas duas eu chorei 👍 murango

Level design: 10\10;
Gráfico: 10\10;
Gameplay: 10\10;
Diversificação: 10\10;
Trilha: 10\10;
História: 10\10;
Fator replay: 9\10;
Motivo de não zerar: Não tava na vibe do jogo, talvez outra hora.

please play this if you love platformers

This and Super Meatboy are my favourite 2D platformers. Love a good mid-air dash and each level in this introduces new challenges that build on what you already have. Can be extremely difficult, especially the extra levels after the base game which I haven't been able to beat most of yet. One day I will return to try though...

Amazing game!
Music 5/5
Gameplay 5/5
The hotel 3/5

This game got me into speedrunning (though to an entire different game hehe).

The simplicity of just having 3 buttons: jumping, dashing, and holding working in tandem with the level design that fully takes advantages of said mechanics is truly outstanding.

The non-invasive story to explore hits so hard by fluctuating between really cute and very relatable.

The music takes your hand as you climb the mountain and makes you wanna try even harder every time you fall.

The art is so minimalistic but perfect for guiding you through the levels so seemingly and naturally.

I absolutely LOVE the feeling of overcoming physical and mental obstacles through your journey, every time you take a step further than the last one is so fulfilling, you can sense your progress, becoming a better player while Madeline becomes a better person and accepts herself for what she truly is.


my friend dragged me into this hell of a game i will never forgive him.

also minus half a star bc i cannot stand the feather

i could write a lot about how good this game is, but at the risk of becoming an accurate stereotype, i will not

replayed this game this week. still the pinnacle of 2D platformers. perfect in every way

Uma jornada de amadurecimento e resiliência.

Um dos melhores jogos que eu já joguei na minha vida, celeste é uma história sobre depressão e ansiedade, resiliência.. uma escalada para a montanha, a montanha essa que interpreto como sendo uma jornada de amadurecimento

Esse jogo é LINDO! tem a pixel arte mais bonita que eu já vi, as músicas são cinema! A dificuldade é acima da média, é aquele tipo de jogo que fará você morrer muitas vezes, mas você não irá desistir e quando você continuar subindo.. Você irá avançar rumo ao topo da montanha passando por vários obstáculos, CELESTE é Sobre a vida!

Esse jogo é maravilhoso, e guardarei ele pra sempre no meu coração! ♥

10/10. C e l e s t e ! (🥇)

Jogo excelente, desafiador, único, com uma trilha sonora linda, pixel art fantástica, porém um pouco frustrante em certas partes, entendo que é pra ser um jogo difícil, mas certas vezes acho que acabam exagerando nessa barreira. Praticamente zerei ele, um dia quando voltar a playstation plus eu zero ele.

Ya es la 5ª vez que me lo paso creo, llevo varios años jugándolo una vez al año XD. No es exagerado decir que este es uno de los mejores plataformas si no el mejor de la historia. Una delicia tanto en su jugabilidad como sus personajes, un desafio enorme y gratificante y un mensaje detrás de todo el juego que jamás olvidaré. No os rindáis, seguid un poquito más. <3

Au final, j'ai TROP séché le jeu (66h et j'ai commencé le 27 décembre lol)
J'ai eu beau dire beaucoup de mal du jeu parce que j'ai bien tilt, Celeste a été une incroyable expérience (et épreuve ?!) vidéoludique grâce à son level design que je trouve extraordinaire.
9 chapitres mais aussi 9 mondes totalement différents les uns des autres, des particularités bien propres à chaque de ces derniers et une difficulté bien bien crescendo.
Les 8ers chapitres offrent du challenge en plus pour ceux qui seraient sur leur faim et adorent souffrir
Un gameplay qui a l'air simple au premier abord mais cet excellent jeu (de fdp) te sort des nouvelles mécaniques tout le long du jeu, même end game, à bien maitriser si tu veux pas rester bloquer !
L'histoire est réfléchie bien qu'elle reste simple en soi, grâce à elle, je crois encore plus en moi et j'ai stay strong même dans les situations qui me semblaient insurmontables 👍
Et j'ai fait la paix avec moi-même car il n'y a pas pire ennemi que soi même😤
Niveau OST, eh bien, il faut juste écouter, c'est du bon ou du lourd, pas de mauvaises OSTs en résumé.
Une de mes préférées

Tout cela pour vous dire que je conseille grandement Celeste si vous êtes à la recherche d'un jeu qui lance bien du challenge, un gameplay très agréable mais nerveux, des splendides niveaux et, des musiques qui vous donneront juste envie de vous surpasser et vaincre ce jeu 🫵
(vous aurez quand même envie de crever à cause de mécaniques propres aux mondes ou vous-même, et, prenez bien soin de vos mains aussi, je parle d'expérience)

Joguei um pouco, é um jogo bem difícil para os meus parâmetros mas um jogo lindo

celeste saved my life. so did dark souls but this isn't about them. celeste made me love myself and made me realize how wonderful life would be if I would embrace the part of me I was suppressing, I played this game in quarantine, I was talking to nobody, constantly suicidal but still I played videogames. it seemed like the only consistent thing in my life. when I started Celeste I loved the snappy controls and neat art style but quickly got frustrated with the challenge, and while I won't go into my experience with every level (although I definitely could) I ended up appreciating the challenge, enjoying my anger and accepting it. and in the end, I turned out to be a girl (lol) no but seriously I went on a mental journey with Madeline, and it helped me realize how happy I could be if I just truly embraced myself

Um jogo incrível, desafiador, com muitas analogias e significados. Personagens interessantes, colecionáveis que não te forçam a pegá-los, apenas incentivam, uma história magistral e músicas fenomenais

oynadığım en güzel pixel platform oyunlarından birisi oldu umarım 2. oyunu çıkarıp sıçmazlar.

Some shit happened at the very end of it that kept me out of beating it, but I don't remember what it was. This game is awesome and you probably know it. If you haven't played, do it

Great . Basically perfect indie game