Reviews from

in the past

This game takes a really cool concept but only makes it like 60% realized. I feel like they could've done so much more interesting ideas with the coma structure but it doesn't quite hit those peaks, and what cool concepts there are don't get fleshed out enough. Also the final chapter, while cool, falls apart on a QA level.

That being said I do hope this sorta thing gets tried again with current tech to speed up the map navigation and expand the overall potential of the shift system. Also set it in a new IP, it needs the breathing room.

I'm not sure if it's my creativity, but it's hilarious that the solution for 80% of the game's objectives is crashing into stuff. It's extra funny when you realize that you take over someone else's body to just put them in the hospital because you wanted to remove an opponent in a race.

I love this game. Had it recomended to me by some random gamestop employee after I told him that I liked racing games (I had just completed Forza Horizon 1) and wanted something open world racing. The story is great and the ability to control any car is so cool. You could be both the cop and the criminal in a police chase. This game opens up so many posibilities. It was new innovative and awesome. Such a shame that it's basically lost to time.