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Hades was completed in over 20 hours (plus, I once spent a whole day without internet, unsure if it counted towards gameplay hours or not), but I'm confident that dedicated players could extract 30-50 hours of content from it. For a rogue-like, this marks the first time I've played a game where the story and characters take precedence over the gameplay loop.

Some insights from my playthrough:
+ The story starts with a metal vibe but ultimately delves into family drama, which I found quite compelling.
+ The action is swift-paced and visually satisfying.
+ The array of weapons and boons ensures that each loop feels distinct, akin to typical rogue-like games. If I were to draw a comparison, it's reminiscent of Wizard of Legend.
+ Upon defeating Hades for the first time, the Pact of Punishment introduces additional challenges and gameplay variations. Extreme Measure, in particular, alters boss encounters, adding depth to the experience.
+ Every loop, regardless of victory or defeat, presents intriguing dialogues from each character, offering insights into their lives and struggles. Sometimes, I found myself playing solely to witness the fate of characters like Orpheus and Eurydice or to observe the romance between the main character and Megaera.
+ The game is rich in detail, from character reactions to carried items to subtle arena elements during boss fights, which enrich the overall experience.
+ The music is exceptional, with tracks like "In The Blood," "Lament of Orpheus," and "Good Riddance" standing out. Supergiant Games consistently delivers in the music department.
= For those seeking a more narrative-focused experience, the game offers God Mode (a discovery I made towards the end), significantly reducing enemy damage without compromising the challenge.
= Additionally, there's an option to "give up," automatically recovering any losses incurred during a run. Although I personally never utilized this feature, it could be beneficial for those facing particularly challenging runs.
- While initially engaging, the game can become frustrating if its charm fails to resonate. Repetitive encounters with familiar enemies and areas can lead to boredom, despite the Pact of Punishment's attempt to inject excitement.
- After defeating Hades multiple times, I found myself growing weary of experimentation. Certain weapon and boon combinations became exploitable, and boss patterns became predictable. Increasing Extreme Measure's difficulty could mitigate this, injecting fresh challenges into boss encounters.
- Events in the game can feel somewhat reliant on RNG. Encountering characters like Eurydice or obtaining secret weapons is not guaranteed, and even accessing the epilogue post-True Ending is subject to RNG.
Objectively evaluating Hades as a rogue-like game, it excels in all aspects, boasting polished gameplay, detailed world-building, outstanding music, and compelling storytelling. However, despite its many strengths, the magic of each loop gradually waned for me, culminating in a somewhat exhausting experience upon completing Hades with level 3 extreme measure. At that point, I even contemplated taking a break from the genre, but eventually, the game's allure proved too strong to resist.
My Score: 75/100.

Tô jogando por season calmae

Sinceramente um dos jogos com arte mais linda que eu ja vi, em cada cenario e personagem dava pra ver o carinho dos artistas, oque não era muito diferente quando se fala da trilha sonora, sua gameplay e historia não ficam nenhum pouco para tras, um rouguelikezão frenetico com uma variedade de armas e mecanicas que mudam cada jogatina e mesmo quando voce morre chegando na casa de hades recebe um pouco da historia inspirada nos deuses gregos e citonicos que é retrada de uma forma muito bem escrita e interessante pelas palavras de cada personagem, cada um mais interessante que o outro, de forma geral esse jogo e diversão pura por horas, musica boa e uma historia

I have not played many rouge-likes, but I have played this one. It is peak, the weapons are cool, the story is great. Play it and the sequel when it comes out!

i really need to play this game again. i love its artstyle and its gameplay and combat is so fun. storys fucking good too

second best rouge like ever made imo

Mi segundo roguelife favorito, demasiado bueno y entretenido.

Level design: 10\10;
Gráfico: 10\10;
Gameplay: 9\10;
Diversificação: 8\10;
Trilha: 9\10;
História: 9\10;
Fator replay: 9\10;
Motivo do abandono: Descobri que não curto tanto assim os rogue likes.

Me cooking chicken: Please don’t be raw please don’t be raw

The chicken:

Não curto rogue like, mas o jogo é bom.

Em nome de Hades, eu aceito a sequência!!! 🙏🙏🙏

El juego en el que avanzar o "morir" es igual de satisfactorio.
Esa mejora constante tanto en habilidad como en las propias estadísticas mediante desbloqueos permanentes. Variedad de armas, de magias (bendiciones), de combinaciones, de pequeños cambios con grandes consecuencias en el gameplay que son una genialidad, etc.
Pero siempre te acababan matando...y la genialidad subía el nivel. El diseño de los personajes tanto artísticamente como su personalidad y diálogos es refrescante. ¿Quién no se ha dejado matar a propósito porque le interesaba más como avanzaba la mini historia de un secundario que escapar del Hades?
La dulzura de Dusa, el cachondeo con Skelly...y por supuesto que todo dios (je je) está demasiado horny.
El único juego que después de conseguir el platino (de 120 horas) seguí jugando. Y sigo echándome alguna run tonta de vez en cuando.

Una absoluta Maravilla

I literally loved this game for a while, unfortunately I can't play it anymore because my computer is bad, but everything about this game definitely made me fall in love with it.

A truly epic game that allows for nearly limitless replay. THE roguelike to me.

mt bom gostei ambientação mt linda mt complicado qualquer dia eu termino

Jogo bom demais, fator replay absurdo, gameplay viciante e estética super bem explorada. Bom demais recomendo e vale cada centavo.

Que jogo lindo, viciante, e extremamente gostoso de jogar. Tudo nele é magnífico, sua história, desenvolvimento dos personagens, combate, visual, tudo. Pegando tudo o que Transistor tinha de bom e melhorando, as armas e poderes dos Deuses tornam cada tentativa de escapar do Submundo únicas.

I'm not big on Roguelikes in general but I had a really good time with Hades. Playing on Switch allowed me to get in a good run attempt during my commute to/from work and it lends itself perfectly to a 30-45 minute burst of play.

Hades looks fantastic. It runs super smooth even on Switch. The colours of each environment pop off the screen and it's always a delight to look at. The voice acting is top notch as is the score.

Depending on how you feel about this genre, Hades can be an incredibly frustrating game. It's hard on purpose, but you're able to get stronger on each attempt to escape from the Underworld, helping you get that little bit further each time. You’ll unlock different weapons to use where you will inevitably find favourites or ones you tend to perform better with. The further you get on escape attempts, the more resources you’ll have to upgrade the weapons and your abilities, and therefore helping you get that little bit further next time.

Very minor spoilers here: After I managed to escape the Underworld, I expected a bit of an epilogue and the credits. But after the narrative plays out you’re returned to the starting point. A quick google told me that to get the ending you need to escape 10 times in total. Initially I thought “challenge accepted” but after 5 successful attempts I feel that I’ve gotten all I can get out of Hades. As I said, this isn’t my genre of choice, so despite having a blast with the game, I’m not going to get any more enjoyment out of it by persevering for the sake of it.

Definitely check Hades out if you’re curious about Roguelikes, but seeing the credits is only for dedicated fans of the genre.

Absurdo jogo, um dos melhores no seu tipo.

ummm uhhhh all the characters are hot, their voices too.
the soundtrack is gestures cheff's kiss
hades is a really good roguelike that keeps you with its story. It's interesting to see what will happen next, what they'll say. Dying isn't a bad outcome, as you get to hang out with them more, talk with them more.
the gameplay is kickass too, with plenty of variety to go to, even if you are trying to min max it, it's interesting to try to bring the most out of specific weapons

A unique blend of roleplaying, visual storytelling and roguelite elements executed to perfection, Hades will serve as a benchmark for future Indie games.