Reviews from

in the past

Je l'ai noté comme si j'étais LookMyAce, ne prenez pas ma noté au sérieuse svp ^^'

Technical issues aside, this game is wonderful. Super fun open world stuff, they finally made it good after working at it since Sword and Shield. The release state is unacceptable though.

Des de Pokemon Azul no he parat de jugar a la saga i esta edició em pareix, si no la millor entrega, de les millors. M'encisen les opcions d'exploració i el comportament dels Pokemons lliures. També m'agraden molts dels nous Pokemons.

Pokemon is awesome but this game isn't.

I wish this game was better, because it's not great, but I’d be lying if i said i didn’t have more fun with it than ultra moon

it's a fun game, i love the exloration and the pokemon are so fun