Reviews from

in the past

Have not played the original so can't compare them. Puzzles were just as hard as they needed to be. Great mechanics. Only two problems; Final area went for longer then I liked, and I wish it was scarier. Can't wait to play as Claire next.

I've always been too lazy to reset Re2, but I took advantage of this week to reset it and I liked it, but I think it gets worse over time, the police station is very good, the sewage is ok and the laboratory is bad, I like it in general, but I think the fact The fact that the sewer and the laboratory are bad parts makes me dislike the game more than I should, I find these parts so boring and tiring, I still have to do the second race and Claire's two races, but it will probably take me a while to do them .

vou colecionar os cagalhões gigantes que mandei a jogar esta merda e enviar por correio à capcom

Pretty much the perfect survival horror game

Ótima qualidade sonora, gráfica e de enredo, maior reclamação é a falta de dificuldade e desafios quando se faz o segundo modo campanha (seja claire ou leon)

I really REALLY liked this game but that orphanage scene was SO unnecessary that it somewhat ruined the experience of at least 2nd run for me. i'd still recommend the game, just look up for trigger warnings beforehand.

The game is very go here do this, go back, do that. However the story makes this all worth doing. I'd recommend doing a playthrough on each character. Also the remake overall is great. :)

Espetacular, creio eu que seja um dos maiores exemplos de como fazer um remake. Muitos odeiam mas eu amo a tensão constante que o Tirano causa. Jogasso lindo da peste

Simplesmente maravilhoso, minha introdução a franquia Resident Evil, e como remake é perfeito, recomendo pra todo mundo.

Achei os gráficos, sistemas de survival e ambientação lindos, mas o fato de ter um filha da puta de 2 metros atrás de mim e eu nn poder fazer nada, me deixa mt puto, mas isso é gosto pessoal e que infelizmente fez eu dropar

Resident Evil 2 is an impressive showcase for the RE Engine from both a gameplay and graphical standpoint that lacks narrative impact, partially due to stifled dialogue and the occasional robotic Claire/Leon meetups where they emote like something imitating a human being.

This game stressed the hell out of me. This was my first Resident Evil with Leon and my afterthoughts are Leon is Baby Girl. I enjoy horror video games and this was refreshing. The fact that Mr. X an enemy followed me around was insane and made me not want to play (lol). Also, it was so clever to have some safe rooms not actually safe. It was also cool to have a different perspective to play even though it can feel a bit repetitive. Overall though very fun.

Resident Evil 2 Remake marks my first proper foray into the Resident Evil franchise ever since I'd given Outbreak a couple minutes of my time back when I was a kid and I must say: RE2 blew my aged expectations out of the water.

Coming from predominantly 'mow-them-down' zombie games like Left 4 Dead, Dead Rising, Dead Island, Dying Light, and other games of the like: I was expecting a similar style of game where I'd go from location to location mowing down zombies and getting the occasional jump-scare; but upon my first excursion into RE2's Racoon City, it was immediately clear that this was not that type of game.

Met with zombies whose heads took more than a fair share of bullets to put down, an immersive atmosphere and sound design that kept me on feet, and great level design that encouraged and rewarded exploration -it was made abundantly clear to me that this was nothing like the zombie games I'd played before.

Resident Evil 2 is first and foremost a game of choices. Not the type of choices you'd make in a Telltale game, but the kind of choices you make in a survival game. Resources are sparse (especially if you play Hardcore like me) and how you use those resources will affect your experience.

Do you mow down every enemy you see as soon as you can? Well I sure hope you won't need that ammo any time soon. Okay you're not killing those zombies over in Hallway B to save ammo but what's this: you're suddenly being chased by a monster you can't kill and your only escape is Hallway B... what a predicament.

Oh you've found some wooden boards? Well those would be helpful to cover up the broken windows. Oh you don't have enough boards to cover up all the windows? I wonder how you'll decide where you should use them.

And for me it is these choices that made Resident Evil 2 so enjoyable. I couldn't just run around mindlessly gunning down everything I saw, running from location to location, solving puzzle after puzzle. I had to understand the area, understand my surroundings, and properly think out routes to ensure I was never put into a bad situation. It got to the point where I felt like I understood the area just as well as Leon or Claire would- like I was learning alongside them.

Speaking of Leon and Claire brings me to probably my only negative point about this excellent game, and no the issue isn't the characters or their respective stories. My main issue with Resident Evil 2 is easily how it handles its dual-campaign. While I thought it was awesome in theory, it was ultimately a disappointing execution.

The dual-campaigns lack story cohesion, are filled with numerous plot-holes, lack interactivity between the protagonists, and I think it ends up being more of a detriment than a positive addition to the game. I personally enjoyed their respective exclusive content, but the areas that are 're-treaded upon' between playthroughs are logically inconsistent and wholly a missed opportunity.

I wish they either would've had one campaign where you simply swapped between Leon and Claire over the course of the story, or that they would've allowed for your first playthrough's actions to have effects on the second run. Like if my Leon decided to not burn through all his ammo and left it in the item box, then Claire should be able to use those resources. Likewise if my Leon ransacked the whole area and used all the loot, it should end up being harder on my Claire who now has less resources to play with.

Ultimately I think that the plot holes, story contrivances, and gameplay limitations in the dual-campaign make it more of a negative than a positive -even if I still had a good time. I think that there was a lot of potential there that was unmet and that the game would've been a lot better off if it was just one campaign with protagonist swap-overs. This would've made the overall story more cohesive and would've potentially allowed for more interaction between Leon and Claire -something I think was sorely lacking in RE2.

However despite my gripes about the dual-campaign, RE2 was a really fun and interesting introduction to the world of Resident Evil and has definitely made a fan out of me. If the idea of a slower paced horror exploration zombie game is in any way interesting to you, I'd highly recommend trying out Resident Evil 2. It's damn good.


Un muy buen remake que mantiene todas las cosas que hacían bueno a la versión original (que eran muchas cosas), pero con unas mejoras técnicas y jugables importantes, haciéndolo aún más disfrutable.

Story 3.7 | Gameplay 4.3 | Audio 3.5 | Visual 4.7 | Details 4 | Entertainment 5

Total 4.2

September 30th 1998 the day ill never forget

efsane bir oyunun efsane bir remakei tek sorunu var çok puzzle var ve fazla kaybolabiliyorsunuz

A couple years ago I binged the entire RE series up to 6 as I had never played RE before and got very invested. I played the original RE2 a long while before getting around to this game and during that time, I realized I was more a fan of the "classic style" RE versus the "middle era" (4/5/Rev1), and modern era. I tell myself that if RE2 had a remake in the same vein as REmake, it would hands down be my absolute favorite. RE2R, while fantastic in its retelling of RE2, environments, atmosphere, puzzle-solving, etc., I find myself somehow not liking it more than the original. Its hard for me to really understand why, seeing as this is a substantial improvement, and I can admit that. I did end up, after completing the main stories, trying out the extra modes and despising every one of them, so its possible they left a sour taste in my mouth. But all the same, I guess subconsciously, I'm nostalgic for the gameplay of the first 5 entries. Don't mistake my opinion of this game though, I really did love it, just slightly less than the original

I still think this is the best RE remake of them all.


Tem Leon e tem Ada, não tem como ser ruim.