Reviews from

in the past

Very very very very nice. If Big Zelda is here to stay, I'd love to see something else on this scale as a stopgap.

This is the first of the Zelda series I've completed. You can feel the Gameboy roots here, but it's absolutely not a flaw. The mechanic of acquiring new tools and skills to progress the story is ridiculously addictive. I'd gladly "listen" to more tales from Hyrule, just maybe in a more contemporary rendition this time.

Polish review
To pierwsza z serii Zeldowych legend, którą ukończyłem. Czuć tu Gameboy'owe korzenie, ale absolutnie nie jest to wada. Mechanika nabywania nowych narzędzi i umiejętności aby posuwać historię do przodu jest absurdalnie wręcz wciągająca. Z chęcią "posłucham" kolejnych opowieści z Hyrule, tylko może tym razem w bardziej współczesnym wydaniu.

Now I want to buy a big diorama with all the little guys from the game

1. Dungeons and bosses activated my gamer autopilot.
2. The over world had some very tedious trading quests.
3. Graphics are cute in that cynical way which can only be achieved if made by a multi-billion video game mogul.

The most confusing game to play and get through ever.

Very cute and Unique. I played it twice through.

Dope ass artstyle, starts pissing me off at the end cause im tired of the dungeons and bosses and i cant hit shit with my sword no more.