Reviews from

in the past

My friend loves this game, he forced me to platinum it. I hate this game I am so glad this is over.

had its downs but the highs are insane, unfortunately it's becoming cod

oh my god one of the worst experiences I've ever had in online multiplayer gaming

yes this game is crazy flawed, but i have played this game for 1000 hours, and i can say it is best played while treated like a sandbox game. i have had some of the most fun ever playing a game while playing this with friends. just trying the stupidest strategies ever, and they always work. this isn't a game i recommend you take very seriously, as you will NOT have a good time.

this game is NOT perfect but it's given me some of my favorite memories playing a game and i gotta give it that

Não digo que é o melhor FPS que já joguei pois eu simplesmente joguei Counter Strike, mas sim, esse seria meu top 2 FPS, é um jogo de outro mundo, e é SUPER bem construído.

O jogo é complexo, a comunidade é podre e eu sou péssimo nele, não é uma combinação boa, mas rendeu uns momentos bem engraçados com meus amigos kkkkkkkkk

Games-as-a-service character bloat was pretty bad for this game. Alright shooting. Sometimes you meet cool people in lobbies but most of the time people don't use the mic or are soooo fucking annoying.

Rainbow Six Siege is intense! It's all about tactical close-quarters combat, where one wrong move can mean you're dead. Learning all the maps, operators, and gadgets takes time, so there's a steep learning curve. It's super satisfying when you finally get the hang of it, but man, it can be toxic as heck online. If you've got a squad of friends to play with and don't mind a challenge, Siege can offer some truly thrilling moments.