Reviews from

in the past

"How many times have you died to Sans?"
"How many breads have you eaten in your lifetime?"

Uma das histórias mais lindas dos jogos, acompanhado da trilha sonora então pqp. Um divisor de águas nos RPGs, que tavam em falta dessa pegada de Mother na época. Uma experiência única que todo mundo deveria ter tido. JAMAIS ENTRE NA FANBASE

only beat the neutral ending so far, but there's a reason its battle system, music, and writing are popular. so cool grahhh

Pacifist Route: The best one by a country mile since you have to participate in the game's bullet hell and interaction mechanics. Also because there's an actual story. 9/10.
Genocide Route: A grindfest slog with only 2 worthwhile fights, both of which you can find online to play in a browser. Barely even worth rating.

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I have killed everyone why is this Small Child laughing at me. Rude little shit

Na minha adolescência eu podia jurar que era um jogo perfeito, e realmente foi uma avoaça na época, mas hoje em dia consigo ver que ele não faz muita coisa de absurdo, só popularizou alguns aspectos e trouxe os jogos indies para visibilidade, o que foi muito positivo

Another RPG that I liked but I just could not be bothered to finish!

Yeah, this game is funne and cool and gay but I just got bored one day and never picked it up again. Was too busy playing TF2 for the millionth time.

The whole pacifist thing was a cool idea for an RPG, but I didn't know you could just not fight in this game, so I ended up killing my goat mom. I have never been the same since.

One of these days I will replay it, and maybe give Deltarune a shot as well.

Oyun güzel ama sonuna ulaşmak oldukça zor 1 haftada bitirebildim.

playing this again as an adult hits different, the joyness and nostalgia while playing it and listening to the melancholic soundtrack brought tears to my eyes, i love it

Level design: 10\10;
Gráfico: 10\10;
Gameplay: 10\10;
Diversificação: 10\10;
Trilha: 10\10;
História: 10\10;
Fator replay: 10\10.

Deceptively simple game that is actually pretty layered in many meta ways. enjoyable characters and actually made me enjoy turn based combat. I just wish the genocide route was not such a tedious and boring grind.

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Even after beating it 5 times in 2 different platforms, i would still play again

I haven't played this game in a long time, however, this game is one of the first games that I got for myself and played fully by myself. and I loved it!! Characters, design, writing, gameplay, story, music, it's all good. The story especially is captivating, and the ending is quite nice. Now I can say that this game is nostalgic, as I played it in 2015-2016. I was 9 or 10. Jesus. Love this game, and hope to continue playing it's sequel, Deltarune, til it's finished. The characters being reimagined into an alternate universe is great.

This game, for itself, I would give it a 4, it is VERY good, without giving spoilers, there are so many different issues that are addressed in the game, perspectives, stories told, strong personalities, and what makes this game a 5 for me, is the community, who created incredible music for this game, and incredible theories too.

It's difficult to think about my high school years. For as important as they were to forming me into the man I am today I look back on the teen I was with a lot of regret and embarrassment. I was a close-minded, stubborn, and sheltered kid that preferred staying in my own bubble of toxic comfort rather than accept the fact that I needed to grow both for my sake and the sake of others. Subconsciously I knew that something I had to give, I could tell that I had the power to affect the people around me no matter my intentions. And from there, I slowly changed myself to be better, kinder, more understanding. I may have been young, but I was no longer a kid. Funnily enough, that journey started in 2015 when I decided to join my school's theatre program.

It was that decision that brought me out of my comfort zone and into a greater world of community and art. One that introduced me to most of my closest friends in adolescence, friends that I still think about and occasionally catch up with all these years later. That's not to say that I immediately became better, that I didn't ever embarrass myself or act regrettably. I had to work to be better, and even when things got so bad that I'd wish for a total do-over, or even to just cast that world away for good, I managed to keep going. And that couldn't have happened without the wonderful people I met nearly 10 years ago.

It's hard not to feel reflective when playing this game. In it's short runtime Toby Fox's writing makes such a strong impact that feels so much more alive and tender than practically anything else you could compare it to. And that was clearly felt all over the world when the game dropped, it was inescapable. Replaying this game, for maybe the first time in my adult life, brought me back to that time; warts and all. And for as much as it hurt to remember the person I was, it was also cathartic to think about who I am now and be proud.

Simplesmente GOAT. Um dos jogos mais importantes da minha vida, já zerei diversas vezes e é sempre uma emoção diferente, simplesmente incrivel

Oh. my. god.
I was never personally into RPGs but HOLY SHIT I'VE BEEN MISSING OUT ON THIS FOR TOO LONG.
Everything, from the characters to the music to the areas to the writing and the gameplay is just absolutely impeccable, the game's theme of choice and consequences is beautifully and expertly handled, even if its subtly going on in the background while you play (and accidentally leading you to a bad ending for one mistake).
I had so many moments that took me by surprise because of how used to gaming conventions I've become over time, RPG or otherwise, I'm glad that I've had a completely refreshing new experience with this and I'd completely recommend for anyone to give a go.

Mr Fischoeder recommended this game on the basis that he somehow "found my little review on Undetale Yellow" and detailed that THIS game, it's inspiration, could be "less damaging to my marriage given I really seem to spare every last detail in these paragraphs." Well Mr. Fischoeder, that's what makes a FUCKING great review, and if I need to mention any unrequited love and/or my failing vital organs I will NEVER hesitate.
My youngest daughter Louise (psychopath) was worryingly distressed that I did not take what she called the "genocide route" in Undetale Yellow and was "more focused on the girls" (untrue + you can't prove it) than fulfilling the role of a merciless stone-faced stabber. I seriously cannot actually justify the murder of anyone in any video game but when this game gives me a specialised cutscene at the end to essentially tell me I suck because of my daughters peer presuring am I actually in the wrong? Is my daughter in the wrong? Didn't have any complications with any organs this time though so there's that I suppose. Wife was a bit concerned though

- Super well constructed story
- simply magnificent music
- very endearing characters
- very successful character development
- humor
- joy
- sadness
- we never get bored
- EXTREMELY simple graphics (like 8-bit)

A touching game, with multiple endings, an original moral, in short, a concentrate of very well balanced emotions.

this is such an absolutely amazing experience, there genuinely isn't a day I go by without thinking about undertale in one way or another, truly a once in a lifetime adventure

definitivamente um dos jogos já feitos

Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Story of UNDERTALE I fell from the light Talk? Or should I fight? Monster genocide This my UNDERTALE!
(The rest of the song wouldn't really fit, because I never played through the geno route.)