Reviews from

in the past

even after nearly two decades I still don't know what the hell is this game about

i want to ride my bicycle i want to ride my bike

i will not elaborate further this is THE retro pc game 4 me... i used to play this when i was 11 on a CRT monitor at 4 am every freaking night until i beat it and if u wanna talk about some art direction this game is just my favorite.. cant even really put it into words yall im tearing up at my awful new age pc and sobbing rn thinking about the good times when this game was my life...

A true initiator of the walk simulator genre.

I can't usually stay focused on games that are about adventure and finding out things by yourself but this one blew me away. Just going around, trying your hardest to collect all the 24 effects while admiring the horror-ish landscape filled with an eerie mood has been a true unique experience for me. The visuals are unusual and team up nicely with the main character. Each dream consist of a different, unforgettable theme. Random events add even more spice to the game. The ending leaves room for speculation because why wouldn't it, and I loved it.

Wikipedia was used to traverse Hell and get insight on how to get a few effects but it does not matter, as the guides themselves don't have any spoilers so the entirety of the game can still be experienced in its fullest potential.

fav effects: bike and midget :3

es el juego que mas miedo me da sin ser de terror

que rayos fue eso?

yume nikki es el ejemplo perfecto de juegos que te ofrecen una experiencia única, sentimientos únicos y que te transporta a su mundo. juegos que suelo jugar de madrugada luego de venir de trabajar, con la luz apaga más que la de una lámpara de noche que da luz naranja mientras fumo o consumo sustancias. las interpretaciones que le podía dar mientras jugaba, su atmósfera y ost opresivo, pero a la vez reconfortante que me daba un sentimiento de nostalgia y familiaridad e incluso identificado...

este sentimiento solo lo he experimentado con muy pocos juegos y el cual solo me lo ha dado obras muy de nicho y japonesas que salieron en los 90s o 2000s, una época que para los que me conocen, significa demasiado para mí.

pioneer of the walking simulator genre