Reviews from

in the past

Jogo excepcional, talvez o único defeito que Shadow of The Colossus tenha é o fato de eu já telo jogado, toda ambientação, gameplay, história é tudo muito bom para se repetir, mas meu ponto é que a sensação, a atmosfera de experimentar este jogo pela primeira vez é ÚNICA, a sensação de solidão, medo, curiosidade, imponência daquele universo sobre aquele garoto que tu controla é algo impressionante, lembro da tensão de cada momento que sentia enquanto jogava isso com meus 10, 12 anos. A primeira vez que vi o Valus em uma demo que meu primo tinha no play dele, foi indescritível, a dúvida, tensão de não saber o que fazer, como enfrentar aquela besta e quando entende, a sensação de erro ao estar matando aquele colosso é assustadora, lembro que não matava mais de um colosso pq a carga de cada batalha era pesada demais para continuar, porra a emoção de enfrentar o Gaius a primeira vez era muito mágico...

Mas falando do jogo, Shadow of The Colossus Remake é muito bem feito, todo ambientação, gráficos lindos, melhoraram, porém não é tão necessário, o jogo de ps2 continua incrivelmente lindo, a física permanece a mesma e como eu acho foda a movimentação do Wander, toda reação dele aos colossos, ambiente é incrível, movimentos atrapalhados acrescenta muito ao personagem, a dificuldade dele para subir na Agro é muito bom, é um moleque inexperiente fazendo de tudo para salvar a pessoa que ama, acrescenta tanto ao personagem sabe.

A história é muito abstrata, deixa muito para o jogador interpreta-la, logo no início já é apresentado toda a motivação do personagem, salvar a Mono, dai pra frente esse universo vai te gerar muitas perguntas e algumas vezes sem resposta, ai vai contigo pensar e interpretar.

A gameplay infelizmente perde um pouco quando tu já conhece o game, o grande desafio é descobrir a maneira de enfrentar os colossos para min que já zerei algumas vezes se torna muito fácil, joguei no hard sem rushar e terminei em menos de 5 horas, mas ainda é irado, sabe aquelas cenas épicas, plásticas que acontecem geralmente em cutscene, nesse jogo é na gameplay, é muito emocionante toda a batalha, épico...

Fumito Ueda por favor faça alguma obra nova!
E sony vamos trazer pro PCzin as obras da Team ICO pelo amor de DEUS!

i vibe hard with the weird open world sensibilities of this.

Out of the Original Five™ (Tower of Druaga, Hydlide, Dragon Slayer, Gauntlet, and TLOZ), to me TLOZ is both the most boring of the bunch. I tried playing the original multiple times: it didn't hit. I tried playing the Satellaview remake: I zoned out. It's not entirely its fault, because the previous Four were also flawed in some shape or form, either because of lack of direction or being obtuse. But Tower of Druaga and Gauntlet had a lot of immediacy while Hydlide and Dragon Slayer had a progression system through fun mindless grinding. Zelda has neither of those.

It's very polished for the era and whatever ideas it didn't steal from Hydlide or Tower of Druaga are cool, but it's just not as interesting as its predecessors. But sure, when it released it was the most advanced fantasy game... for about 5 months before Return of Ishtar jumped past everyone. Honestly I think The Mysterious Murasame Castle used the smooth overhead fantasy action formula much better despite its obscurity (it was released the same year by Nintendo too!!!).

I like how clearly dangerous the minigames can be. I also like that the babies piss on everybody.

Almost exactly the kind of remake you'd want for any 8-bit game. The visuals aren't just lovingly recreated, they're reimagined with so much new detail and gorgeous animation. The art style is a bit different than the original intent, but it looks so good I don't mind, and if you do mind then there's a button to instantly switch to the old graphics. The soundtrack, which was just alright in the original game, got equally gorgeous remixed orchestrations that elevate them quite a lot, and there are even multiple situational remixes of songs that were originally re-used identically in the original game. If you miss the original soundtrack's energy and percussion, the original audio is also a button press away. In terms of presentation, this is a remake that manages to have more personality than the original game, and that is highly commendable.

The gameplay, on the other hand, is left mostly untouched except for slightly better controls. If you were already a huge fan of the original, this must be perfect, but there were just a couple aspects that didn't age well that I wish could've been addressed. One is that a very useful item is hidden behind holding up on the D-pad in a random dead end, which I absolutely would not have discovered without a guide. Another is that the enemy balancing is very inconsistent. On the same screen there will be enemies that barely chip you and enemies that take you out in two hits. The Japanese temple area features red ninjas that throw shurikens at you which you block with your shield, then later you find identical red ninjas that throw identical shurikens which, for whatever reason, are unblockable. Aside from stuff like that, this game is really pretty easy, especially the final boss which was a joke.

Also, the way the Tasmanian sword works is a little annoying. You have to keep switching to it if you want to change between forms. Earlier in the game, you get an item that allows you to break blocks with your sword, and you can do that with any sword instead of having to equip that specific sword, so why not have transformations work that way? This is a nitpick, but this and the aforementioned enemy balancing could've very easily been solved, as this is a remake after all. I guess they really wanted to stick as close as possible to the original, and that's certainly better than if they'd have went too far and dumbed the game down. But those changes definitely would've made the game better for me.

This is still the best way to play the best Sega Master System game, which was quite an ambitious game for its time. The design of the interconnected world is generally great, and having different forms you're cursed into throughout the game is really cool. I didn't really like walking my ass all the way back to the area I was in whenever I died, but at the same time the game's world would probably feel tiny if it had checkpoints. Overall, recommended if you like this type of game.

Soooo charming, and the story gets kinda emotional while you are not expecting! I remember playing it on PS1 way back in the day but I had to play again now.

The gameplay is super simple (jump and wind bullet, and that's it!) but the stages are VERY well done. It's purely 2D but the way stages are constructed in a 3D world makes them stand out.
Enjoyed it a lot! (played the remake on steam)

If I was 4 years old, I can imagine the experience of flying around as superman in this game wouldn't be the worst. The problem is that I'm 19 years old as I write this and that's approximately 30 years past the age you'd need to be to understand that the controls are dreadful, the graphics are awful, even for the time and hardware, and the game as a whole sucks complete ass.

However, I'll stand by the idea that, had I grown up with this, I might have found it to be a guilty pleasure today.

probably the most out there entry in the kill the past series dont know what suda was thinking with this one

I had heard pretty bad things about Tonic Trouble through the years. When a friend of mine started playing through it, I figured I should give it a go as well.

And… yeah, it’s not GOOD, but I mean, I guess there’s way worse.

Controls are clunky, the camera is pretty good awful, there’s some obtuse level and puzzle designs here and there. Flying takes a LOT of getting used to. I adapted to it eventually, but it took a bit. Boy, I really wish that pogo stick move was more interesting.

But hey, it looks nice! Lots of charm in the character designs and world. So it wasn’t a miserable time. Just a not very good one.

But hey, it would pave the way for Rayman 2, a much better game, so hey! It wasn’t all bad!

Haven't finished this game yet, but this piece has some KILLER atmosphere. Music is awesome, god bless the composers!

Only issue is there is barely any free fighters

Que jogo foda, eu não jogava há muito tempo e mesmo hoje em dia me prendeu demais, a forma com que a trama é contada de grão em grão até chegar no plot twist é brilhante, é um enredo que consegue justificar literalmente tudo que você faz de forma crível e sem você saber que tá sendo manipulado. Fora a história que é o ponto principal, a gameplay é bem divertida, envelheceu bem, a disposição de poderes é enorme apesar de ter alguns meio inúteis e a gunplay funciona muito bem, só o impacto nos golpes que é meio baixo. O level design desse jogo é fantástico, tudo é interligado de forma perfeita e mesmo com a quantidade imensa de caminhos e lugares, você simplesmente não se perde e a exploração é muito recompensadora, além do fato de toda a estética e ambientação Decopunk do jogo ser incrível, em diversos momentos me lembrando o desenho animado do Batman dos anos 90.

Algo bem legal é que no começo do jogo é citada a frase "Nem deuses ou reis. Apenas o homem.", e fica evidente que apesar do homem ter conseguido criar toda uma cidade submersa e governar ela, ele não deixa de ser um mero homem, mesmo que ele busque poder, tente se tornar um deus, ele não passa de uma criatura simples, isso vale tanto pro Andrew Ryan como pro Frank Fontaine, ambos falharam em alcançar um status que não podem ter, foram derrotados por algo mais baixo do que um homem, um simples escravo que obedece ordens e não possui livre-arbítrio. De resto, só tenho a criticar que na reta final a little sister fica prendendo o personagem no cenário toda hora e esse mapa do jogo que mais confunde do que ajuda.


A solid little search action/STG hybrid with a neat 1-bit aesthetic. Normal mode is pretty reasonable to clear with 100% even for newcomers to STGs, but hard mode certainly lives up to the name. There's also a bonus campaign that's pretty interesting.

Unlocking some characters is ass but the game itself is fun.

This game is so cute, and the soundtrack RIPS (I actually bought it on bandcamp lol) but the final boss is fucking me over so i'll come back to it later lol

just like da remaster of da first game, it's got some great ideas but needed more love

also da story goes so hard i wish they fleshed it out a bit more in dis remaster

Literally amazing. The fanbase I dont care about but this game is great and literally anyone could play it without playing any other metal gear game.... not saying you shouldn't play every metal gear game....

Um bom exemplo de meta linguagem na mídia de video games, bem funny XD.


I think it's possible to like this game if you never play it

Story mode is great, if you're trying to play gta v only for the online I have a few things to say to you....

Mira que el género en el que se enmarca es altamente competitivo, pero es que es de los mejores títulos de Ubisoft en toda su historia y llega a cotas altísimas con una facilidad que asombra. Entre unos controles inmediatamente ágiles y fluidos, un conjunto de habilidades originales e interconectadas y multitud de retoques a la fórmula metroidvania que buscan hacerla evolucionar, realmente sentí en varias ocasiones que este juego podría ser de lo que muchos desarrolladores empiecen a tomar notas a partir de ahora. Este tipo de aventuras nunca fue presentado de una forma tan accesible (pero sin escatimar en desafíos para quienes los busquen) ni con una cantidad de contenido tan robusta y consistentemente entretenida, todo a la vez. También plantea una narrativa muy interesante y bien contada, con muchas pistas y detalles del subtexto que desgranar. Dudo que nada destrone a Hollow Knight para mí, pero ha sacudido ese trono con ganas y se ha plantado en mi podio casi sin despeinarse.

Fun, especially when you set up a server with friends. It's just shallow as it is right now. But it's early access, you cannot expect much. The platform is there though and I'm looking forward to what comes next.