heavily underrated and it definitely deserves it. This followed up probably the best action game ever released at the time (definitely a contender still) and it didn't offer much. weird gimmicks and much worse general flow and slightly worse everything else was sure to dissappoint anyone who played X4. Make no mistake tho as this is still extremely fun and good.

this should've been a long running series.

This is easily one of the best games ever made. Capcom perfected the difficulty (for a first playthrough with x. zero on a 2nd playthrough felt like Kirby), the gameplay, the music, the powers, the graphics, the art, the speed and the bosses. Playing this feels like a god and I have no idea how they took a perfect formula and engine and made it just great in X5 and subpar in X6.

galaxy felt grand but this feels astronomical, more joyful, less lonely, better polished, cooler and overall a modern ageless experience. not hard to call this one of the best games of all time that is sadly very much limited by the wii's resolution and forced motion controls. play this on a pc at 1080p60fps with a normal controller to experience it in its full beauty.

very few games feel like this and ain't none of 'em were made in 1993.

My first disgsea for some reason

I've never seen this much passion, love and silliness put into a game.

Can't believe they made the best physics of any game ever in 200BC

Goes toe to toe with gow 2. so damn good.

blows the first game out of the water and my mind with it. what a masterpiece.

It would've been fun if it didn't require a playthrough to finish.

Incredibly fun with a friend. I wouldn't play this alone, tho.

A technical marvel. They did nerf the blocking system tho.

This game is straight up perfection so I'm gonna nitpick instead:
No triple jump 😭😭😭
Music isn't that catchy.
Rewards for 100% completion is straight jackshit.

Before it gets ridiculously hard and grindy at the end of each route, this game’s challenge makes it one of the best rpgs ever. Story, characters, demons, gameplay loop and voice acting are incredible. Difficulty spikes, music variety, demon designs and grinding are dogshit.