I dropped this game years ago and honestly I have no clue why I did. I actually enjoyed it, the tone and comedy is perfect, actually one of the funniest games I've played in a while. And the gameplay was surprisingly solid, most of the levels were decent. However in the middle section there is a huge chunk of levels I despised like the Gloria Theater, Milkman and Fishopolis levels while charming in their locales and characters the gameplay felt like a huge chore to experience with their focus on confusing puzzles rather than platforming. The last two levels I played (the Meat Circus and Bull Level) pulled it back but the impact of that middle section and the forced grinding the game makes you go through for figments and arrowheads makes a 6/10 feel like the only justifiable score. Oh yeah and the boss fights were ass for the most parts. I can see the sequel being way better so I'll play that at some point!

Reviewed on Apr 23, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

Is it dated?