genuinely one of the best beat'n up games I ever played, everything oozes polish in almost every single aspect especially on the combat and presentation.

the combat might the best in the series and in the genre as a whole, they incorporated fighting game mechanics to the recipe with wall bounces, juggles and an free-form combo system, the controls are smooth and intuitive making combat an joy throughout.

the presentation is also great, the new art direction is slick and full of style, the music is equally great, maybe not on the level of the second game but still memorable and full of bangers.

the extras are also great, costumes for characters and an good replay-value if you want to beat the campaign with all the characters since all of them has their special unique abilities and traits, there is also an full-fledged training mode in the game which is fantastic to learn it's mechanics and combos thanks to the practice options for each character.

the difficulty is once again tough like in the rest of the series but this is by far the easiest I played coming from 3 harder titles, I found the more fairer difficulty to be welcoming though, the levels are short and well-paced and most of the difficulty was fun to overcome.

overall Streets of Rage 4 is an gold standard for the genre and an example on how to bring back an old IP in my opinion, definitely an must-play.

Reviewed on May 31, 2023
