-With the nerves to the limit, but with a smooth movement, justified by the style of animation. I don't know, I see it as a bit contradictory to the crazy and animated world that the game poses

-I haven't played any Wario Land, but here the approach of the double level design (hit and run) in communion with the two possible forms of mobility, until the two collide with each other, is super interesting.
but, there is the problem, that they collide in what I intuit is an impossibility to get rid of their formative references in terms of a "genre", called "the platformers".
The idea of ​​scoring through collecting and other chores at levels that force you to fluctuate between jumping, speed and momentum does not seem very appropriate to me if at the least I fail I have to repeat a sequence of three heights and four platforms, for very funny and schizophrenic that are the crash and fall animations.
Between the seams of the game, a speerun logic almost appears?
I don't see the great Peppino spaghetti being an avatar of total control in chaos, rather I see him suffering from chaos, heck, that's how the protagonist seems to be presented, as someone on the verge of sanity, breaking with everything he knows. crosses.

-So vacuously it has been possible to attribute to Signalis that its structure is a mixture without substance (partially correct, but I don't see it badly for a game whose one of its main reasons is "memory" as a concept) beyond the visual, I think this could perfectly apply to Pizza Tower: the weight, the speed and the alleys and unthinkable traps of Sonic with the framework of Wario Land? (I intuit, I reiterate that I have not played)

But I find another similarity with Sonic: the divergence between character concept and game concept.

you already know

Speed ​​vs Caution in Sonic

Chaos and humor vs Control and some precision in Pizza Tower

Am I the only one who feels this?

-The mixture is quite satisfactory, but why would that be enough?

-usually the internal coherences matter very little to me, and I hate applying the operational sense of the real world, I prefer the expression and the personality, at any cost. but here I find the expression in the same way as some contemporary games that rely entirely on the animations of their characters. And that's not bad at all, it's completely fine but I didn't find a situation where the comedy came from the game design instead of the characters and their animations. It's a bit picky, but I feel the same way I do when I watch one of the new Pixar-like CGI animated movies, with little interest in cinematography and space-time relationships.

I love the energy of this game, but at the same time it leaves me super cold

Reviewed on Feb 13, 2023


1 year ago

how can you say so much and yet so little? bravo

1 year ago

Its a gift from our lord Peppino

1 year ago

I'm yet to play it, but when I see gameplay it captivates me. Looks like a game that wants to makes you laugh. Maybe the equilibrium is between that and the control precission??

1 year ago

Puede ser, pero a mi no me ha hecho reir en los casi dos playthrougs que he echado la verdad. y aunque eso sea muy especifico de cada quien, ya digo que no veo esa intencion fuera de las animaciones. no se extiende demasiado en la interactividad mas alla de las colisiones o pequeños giros y aparte que a mi no me interesa buscar el equilibrio como tal en nada , se me como intentar coger agua xd quiza es eso lo que hace que no me guste mucho

1 year ago

Hm, entonces ya te comentaré en todo caso. La cosa es que me pregunto si esa impresión que he tenido haya sido planeada para quienes vean gameplay en YT (algo así como hacer zapping en televisión y pararte a ver lo que más te haya llamado la atención por lo visual, cosa que se ha hecho ya antes), porque ya te digo, como observador, hay mucha extrañeza fascinante, que me ha molado.

1 year ago

Si si completamente, por eso ya desde la demo me llamaba la atencion, pero ahora que he tenido el juego pues no se. Ya diras algo

1 year ago

I love that this is the most negative review of this game on here and it says "I'm positive this game isn't very good but I can't prove it"