It's easy to overlook this game as just being a GBA port of the All-Stars version of 2, but the addition of 5 red coins for each level honestly does a lot for these levels. It encourages exploring the different routes in each one, and makes the game just slightly more engaging IMO. I feel like every time I play SMB2 I take the exact same route, and these wonderful red coins were able to break me out of this. Also I love the addition of crunchy ass audio clips playing for everything, I love Toad screaming his head off plucking turnips out, I love Birdo speaking full English in a voice she would never have again, I love that most of the bosses are just obviously Charles Martinet doing a slightly different voice. Fun version, check it out if you haven't, it has Mario Bros like every Mario game on GBA, what's not to love.

Reviewed on Jun 09, 2023

1 Comment

10 months ago

" I love that most of the bosses are just obviously Charles Martinet doing a slightly different voice."

I don't remember this at all, so you're giving me a good reason to play it again.