Finished this one in just over 3 hours. You gotta respect the intent, there are few games where you get to play as bad people doing bad things. Of course, there are some attempts at sympathy but for the most part, the writers don't try and make you think Kane and Lynch are anything but horrible people. The music is also a standout, fitting extremely well, really accentuating the spectacle, but not going too far as to make you forget you're doing some messed up stuff.

However, the gameplay is where it all falls apart. The gunplay is bad, the squad mechanics are barely required and might as well be forgotten and to cap it off the final levels are just not good at all, replacing the glamour of earlier levels with copy-paste enemy engagements that just drag on. It's short enough that it doesn't overstay its welcome, but it is really held back by a lack of polish to bring it together.

Reviewed on Sep 04, 2022
