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Game visually is one of the best out there and it takes some of the best features from all Fromsoft games out there and puts them in. The problem I have is that they take some of the crappy features as well. There are WAY too many bosses in this game, most of them just being common enemies with ramped up health. Enemies delaying their attacks for so long is not a fun thing to play against, sure you can adapt to it just like all other souls games, but all other games just feel better with it. It's like they saw that most people really like Sekiro's and Bloodborne's bosses so they put some that behave like them in here, but those games are way too fast paced compared to normal dark souls games for those bosses to work well, biggest example being Malenia. She is super quick, heals with every attack she hits, even if it's against your shield, and has one specific move that if you don't look up how to dodge, you just die. It felt so awesome getting to her just to realize that it wasn't even a hard boss fight except for that one move. Overall, game is probably one of the weaker souls games out there for me, but it is still an amazing stepping stone for other open world souls games to come out

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Fucking amazing game. I went into this game kind of unsure if this new gameplay style and Ichiban as a character would be good for the Yakuza series, but it worked out so well. Gameplay is really fun to learn and I'm very glad it has timed hits, where you press a button at a certain time to block and do more damage. That makes combat so much more interesting. I will say that I do think that once Kiryu and others come in, it does stray away from Ichiban a little bit, but it goes right back to him after. Overall, I love the new like a dragon engine, characters, and although I will miss the original combat in Yakuza, the new turn based combat is super fun and a welcome addition

Game is a far cry from what made it originally fun

It was a fun play during covid but the content at release was lacking, haven't picked it back up since

Great game. Combat is super fun, story is amazing, the things they changed in the story I actually really liked, but some of them seemed kind of fanservicey.

It's Overwatch. It's fun to play with friends but it gets stale quickly. There is basically no new content and the new heroes are either broken, or shit. Tank changes are welcome, but the push the robot gamemode is ass.

Hella good, only problem is that combat can get stale at points since there really isn't much to work with


Amazing remake and pretty scary at some points, sewer section was kinda ass is my only real gripe

I don't think there is really anything bad I can say about this game. Although I don't think it's one of my favorites, it does everything it was going for perfectly.


This game rocks, but if you wanna start up the new doom games, definitely start with 2016, then go for Eternal. I did Eternal first and this game felt super slow because of it.

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Never finished the original Persona 5 because I just bought royal after I got to Futaba's palace, but when compared to Royal, it's just a slightly worse version

Cringe dialogue aside, this game has some of the best gameplay I have ever played. Making speedrunning the core of your games has been done before in many games, but not to the extent they do in this game.

Good ahh game, just not a perfect game