1914 Reviews liked by Elkmane

Ryuji Goda in the last 10 minutes of the game made this a certified gem

wow luis sucks but kramer has a stinger that is so opium

Baby's first Tetris (but like in a very good way)

The best platformer Nintendo never made. Perfectly adapts Nintendo’s design philosophy (watch this vid to understand what I mean:
https://youtu.be/dBmIkEvEBtA?si=bvuh3J2jSaN1Bl4y ) into something incredible exciting and new.

I know some people complain about how short it is, but it’s honestly perfectly paced (outside of the out of place boss fights that halt your momentum and speed) with incredibly unique mechanics and designs thrown into pretty much every level. It left me wanting more, which is the perfect way to end a game. Can’t wait to randomly single-sitting replay this every once in a while, and I’m definitely going to go back to 100% this once and do some time trials.

A pretty good game that has me worried about the future in more ways than one. Starfield has the unenviable task of living up to a mountain of hype that I think really hurts this game more than the loading times and stale open world mechanics do.

The first 20 or so hours really had me worried because of these two major issues but once the main story starts to unwrap, as you upgrade things, get a new ship, and you start messing around with some of the deeper side quests, there's a lot to like from a writing standpoint.

This mixed with some creative end game design does a good job of hiding some of the flaws this game possesses.

There are other issues I find with this game of course. The maps are awful, the menus are not great, companions are aggravating a lot of the time, detrimental at other points. The game is definitely not for everyone and if these mechanics aren't fun, it's a tough ask to sit through 20+ hours to get to good story moments that makes sticking with it feel worth it.

The biggest issue with this game, really isn't even a problem with the game. It's just the realization after playing through this that the Bethesda style game is really feeling dated, and that's honestly a bigger bummer more than anything. Like I've said previously, there is a lot of story and side quests that make up for it.......this time. But without some changes to the mechanics, I'm not sure how another one of these kinds of Bethesda games will feel 8+ years from now, (or whenever the next open world game from the team actually sees the light of day) and if another well written game can make up for that datedness.

quick warning! when you meet bugslav, give him the med kit! otherwise the game breaks! i lost like 3 hours of my life!!!

vibes are immaculate. love the vhs feel and the music and the character designs. the slowly unfurling backstory is so good. if you watched the trailer and thought "wow this looks sick," and ESPECIALLY if you're a fan of the fixed camera angles and puzzle solving aspcects of resident evil 1, then i think you'll have a great time with this.

super excited to see what happens in part 2!!!

Would love to see this turned into a full game. Lots of potential

I am not suggesting that every marble roller has to feel just like Monkey Ball to work, but Ballygon’s minor departures from Monkey Ball 1 and 2 make for a slippery, floaty, and downright sluggish playing experience that does not work for a genre built on momentum, speed, and precision.

One of the best solitaire games I’ve played, and a must play for any fan of the genre

it’s insane how each entry in this series just keeps getting better and better. this game tells an utterly massive story, with so many different plot threads that all somehow come together perfectly to create my favorite ending so far. Yakuza 5 is a story about what it means to pursue a dream, what it means to pass on that dream, and what it means not to give up. presented absolutely beautifully, somehow we’ve reached new heights in a series that already soars to those of the highest sky scrapers. I couldn’t begin to organize all of my thoughts on this game— it’s one of the biggest i’ve played in my life. It’s worth every second of it though, there really isn’t a truly bad moment here. the best iteration of the combat so far in the series, and as mentioned, an absolutely wonderful story. I have no further notes… it was kino

Played with the express purpose of logging on here and pissing off a friend who gets annoyed every time I log a flash game on Backloggd. Perhaps you think I'd use this story to argue for the value of shorter games, to say the very idea someone considers this not worthy of logging shows the valuation of games is largely to do with breadth. Perhaps I'd pen a deeply passionate point about how our industry's lust for quantity over quality is so thoroughly infectious it has corrupted us down to our very thought process. Down to what we consider 'reasonable to write a review of on Backloggd.com.'

But no. I'm only logging this out of spite. Blair. Buddy. I know you're reading this. Get fucking rolled.



they call it 2048 because you see it and turn 2048 degrees and walk away

Leaves a ton of space for your imagination to run wild in which is likely why so many people have vastly different experiences with this game. When so much is left up to interpretation, your brain can't help but fill in the lines itself.

My personal experience with the game is one of feeling incredibly isolated and displaced within the world while also being comforted by an abstract warmth, almost as if I am being hugged by a childhood friend with whom I had lost all communication with but who's memory has lived within myself and shielded me in ways over the years that I've never been cognizant of.

I now understand why a common joke is that Yume Nikki's biggest fans are all schizophrenic.

i've been thinking about my relationship with art, and my thoughts at the moment are that what i want in a piece is to feel something. it's not only about being entertaining, it's about catharsis. it's about feeling extremely happy or deeply miserable. it's about having the teeth grinding, the foot tapping, the head scratched. it's about going insane over the details. i want to feel alive. maybe it's a sick thought. maybe i should just live my own life, but i can guarantee, i've been living my own life a lot! much more than i would like to, sometimes.

all the games i've finished this year so far (very few) were a good time, some of them were amazing, really thought-provoking like anodyne 2, but none of them hit me like a truck. until GOD HAND.

GOD HAND makes you feel extremely happy, deeply miserable, with your teeth grinding, your foot tapping, your head scratching... pretty much at the same time! it's commonly known as a very difficult game and it's not an impossible one, but it does require you full commitment. starting with learning the controls: when action games were about swords and guns, with fast-paced movement, GOD HAND was about throwing punches while moving in tank controls. it's all about positioning, a 1v1 it's already a difficult task, but a 2v1? a 4v1? does not help when your crowd control movements are slow as hell! but don't be confused: GOD HAND is not a slow game! actually, if you can't keep up, you will pretty much ended up cooked lol, you have to adapt to the rhythm of the fight. it's all about learning and once you learn, it's about going wild.

and it's not a flashy game. you throw punches. real punches. punches that hit, than you can feel when it hits. GOD HAND it's a dudes rock game but every single dude is rocking on you (in a not-homosexual-way (unfortunately)), and you got rock on them instead. GOD HAND it's a videogame that loves action games. it's a videogame that recognizes the masculine archetypes about the action genre in overall media and at the same time it honors it and it also makes fun of it. GOD HAND is very "manly"! i mean, having blackjack and poker and dogs races as a way to make money makes me think that shinji mikami and the team are either the funniest guys ever or the most heteronormative of all time! and it's very funny either way.

what really matters is that GOD HAND is a videogame that made me feel everything, and in a year that is definitely NOT being my year, with a lot of work and study and personal problems as well, making me sometimes lost my interest in my favorite hobby, it reminds me how great videogames can be and how i can always just punch a son of a bitch when it needs to. you better watch out mf!!!