pretty derivative but it was cool. The aesthetic & story is what I sort of have an issue with. it just feels too creepy pasta to me. I guess. Idk. And its just like little cutscenes of an anime chick looking at the camera, or some sentence that is meant to sound esoteric and existential and scary.. Oh turn on the computer spooky sound. IDK man I wish I could get scared easier. If I'm rapping jay z lyrics (family feud) while I'm going thru these halls maybe make ur game more scary. Not trying to brag seriously PT made me really scared but u know. Whatever. The character's name is Elster, which is similar sounding to Elkster, which you guys know is the name my fanbase applies to themselves. The elk army and each of you are elksters. Cause im elk, elkmane to be precise. Peace out

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2022


1 year ago


1 year ago

I've just beaten the first boss and I kinda have the same feelings. It's very Resident Evil so I'm having a lot of fun with it, but those waifus covered in blood staring at the camera are so cringe. And what's the point of the screaming sound when opening the save computer lmao

1 year ago

This review made me an Elkster

1 year ago

Welcome to the party pal. Glad to have u