Midnight Suns manages to make a serviceable strategy RPG with the Marvel License, but that's about where the compliments end.

Super bloated with free time events you know and love from things like Persona and Danganronpa.. except instead of growing to learn about characters you know nothing about you're watching a movie with Blade? Stargazing with IRON MAN?! The games insistence on fluff like this is going to be the difference between loving this game and thinking it was a drag. These Abby segments help fluff the playtime but in my playthrough I was mashing the skip button because I couldn't care any less.

At its core the strategy is very fun. Do not be discouraged by the card system because it only adds extra flavor to the strategy. Unlike in XCOM, all attacks have a 100% chance of connecting so a lot of strategy comes from building your deck and hoping the RNG falls in your favor. While I prefer the high stakes of XCOM where the characters you named after your friends and coworkers die permanently, here instead the stress is "injuring" your hero's making them gimped for a certain amount of time to heal.

Despite having Marvel's entire catalogue of hero's, you start off white 80% of the games roster. There's very few characters to unlock. The season pass looks to be adding some much needed additions to the roster like Deadpool who I'm sure will be a blast to play with.

I couldn't help in my playthrough to keep making XCOM comparisons for obvious reasons, and at the end of the day I much prefer that. It may have inspired another playthrough of that.

No More Heroes 3 is an exciting revival of a franchise most people didn't expect to return. Unfortunately, at release this was a switch exclusive with bad performance. Now a year later a dedicated PS5 release is out with great performance and the way it should be experienced for the first time.

Wacky, obnoxious, and over the top. Characteristics of Suda 51 and this game has it in droves. The charm of this game is exquisite. Travis is just as obnoxious and over the top as usual. The story is just as ridiculous as it's been in the past. Nothing groundbreaking for the franchise... just over the top nonsense.

The gameplay feels tighter than the previous entries, as it should coming about a decade later. Unfortunately the mission design is weaker. In previous games when you entered a ranking battle, there would be a level surrounding the boss fight. Here all the fights are done in the open world to grind cash and once you pay for the ranking battle... it's a boss fight. I would have preferred a style more like the first two games, but luckily the boss fights are evocative enough to make you wanna get to the next one.

The game leaves itself on a cliffhanger like the previous entires and hopefully they keep making them... cause I'll keep buying.

Replayed this in 2022. Got the Platinum on PS3 after having the equivalent on Xbox for over a decade.

My major takeaway is that perhaps I, and many others, judged Fallout 4 too harshly. Side quests were far more shallow than memory served, gun play was pitiful, and the choices were "mostly" superficial. RPG elements were weak.

You really had to experience this game at the time of release to truly appreciate it like many of us do. This isn't helped by the fact that the performance takes a nose dive the farther you get into the game. Not something we are accepting of in todays climate (looking at you Cyberpunk)

The game gets a lot right but has unfortunately been overshadowed by many games since.

It's crazy to think that more time passed between Fallout 4 and today, than passed between 3 and 4. By the time Microsoft/Bethesda does something with the IP kids born today will be old enough to play it.

Despite a crippling amount of hate, this game deeply benefited from a Remake. Gorgeous visuals enhance storytelling and allow a younger generation to experience the game. Now when the TV show comes out people won't be lead to play a decade old game.

A great opportunity to experience a fun mascot platformer you may have missed. Not all that great if you're looking for a nostalgic feast of an experience. The game lacks some charm of the PS1 original, a lack of voice acting and cutscenes having MUCH less charm than the Pre Rendered ones on PS1.

Pull out the original game if you're looking to replay something nostalgic. Play this if you're looking for a dumb fun platformer.

My favorite Dragon Ball Z game for the majority of my life.

Somehow a little team in Lemont, Illinois managed to make a competent love letter to the Cell games.

I recently re-played this in August, 2022 and it's still fun. It's far shorter than I recall and it's a little padded to extend the run time.

It's sad that every release we get doesn't use the original Funimation soundtrack. Love them or hate them, a lot of dragon ball z nostalgia we have is linked to that music. Hearing it here brought me back to my bedroom playing my white game boy advance asking grandma for more batteries. Nothing more I can ask than that.

It's truly a shame. That this game will be remembered poorly from marketing sabotage and a poor last generation release.

Marketed as a game of a generation, hyped up as the greatest game of all time! Instead we got Fallout New Vegas and a Deus Ex love child. Game rocks when you compare it to a Bethesda game because it's of the same vain. Side quests are great, world is well realized, guns feel good enough. It's about as shallow as those games too. Problem was... it wasn't promised to be.

Oh well. CD projekt have a lot on their plate to regain faith in the Gamer Battalion next time.

Beating up Highschoolers as a middle aged ex-lawyer will never be this good again.

This is the final straw in my Arkane experiment.

I expected something, better than this. Honestly from the trailers and previews this game looked imaginative, provocative, and engaging. I was looking for FPS Hitman with fun powers and gunplay but instead there's a really basic shooter that tells you what to do and when to do it.

I didn't like Dishonored either so clearly I'm not the target for these games. I was hoping this one would be different. No more. I've learned my lesson

Not a bad way to replay these games on a modern TV. They're easier, they look more "modern" and they run well enough. Sure from Rockstar it's a painfully shallow port done by an incompetent third party but... they're still grand theft auto and that's still fun regardless.

Hopefully one day these games will be remade how they deserve to be remade, but for now I had no issues replaying all three.


An amazing action game designed around dying and trying again... again... and again.

The premise is very Kill Bill. A group of people murder your master and you go picking them off your kill list one by one.

Story isn't important here. It's the gameplay.

It's addicting in the same way a FromSoft game is. You get your ass beat over and over again until you become a master at the game. You understand every enemies move set. You become Ultra Instinct Neckbeard playing this.

The game like from soft games can be beaten in record time once you understand everything, but understanding everything is the challenge.

The platinum trophy requires you to beat the game by Age 25. Essentially meaning you can only be knocked down twice through out the entire game. This seemed IMPOSSIBLE when I started but by the end of my 20 hours with this game, I went and popped in the PS4 version to do it all again. The second time took me 4 hours to do everything. Overcoming insurmountable obstacles like that are the beauty of games like this and Sekiro. It gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment well afterwards too.

My GOTY so far. Will likely stay that way by years end. If not I'll make sure to edit this passage out.

The greatest most interesting thing from this game can't be talked about because it's a spoiler.

A higher quality Ubisoft game.

I look forward to being whelmed again in the sequel. Even if this formula is starting to fatigue me with Sony and all other publishers too.

A Final Fantsay game with a bad narrative is a bad final fantasy game.

Turn off your brain and smash some shit. Fight Chaos. Move on.

Best part of the story was spoiled in marketing material LOL. Nice job Square. Oh well.

Play better games

I harbor no nostalgia to this game, and as such it's nearly "okay"

House of the Dead 2 on the dream cast I used to beat over and over trying to discover every path and beat the game without taking damage. I didn't spend my time playing these games at the arcade so it was nice to see what came before that.

The hilariously dumb voice acting and zombie Mayhem has a certain charm only someone who experienced at the time could really love. Just like how you have a face only your mother can love.

Definitely a game only for those who want these very specific experiences. I look forward to their remake of HoTD2

My first entry in the Sniper Elite series was rather fun and amusing.

Gunplay was serviceable. Sniping was fun, and difficulty options presented a nice challenge.

The level design is the true beauty of this game. Levels are designed like something from a Hitman game. Here's an environment you're free to tackle, get it done. Gives you a lot of freedom in how you choose to complete your objective.

I'm starving for stealth games and this scratched a very much needed itch.