Gears 4's campaign was an absolute mess, which is why this one surprised me so much. They took what was possibly one of their worst campaigns and turned it into a very fun experience. I absolutely love the settings in this, you get to experience Sera as a planet instead of just another earth clone with linear levels. They took a big risk making this a pseudo open world experience but it worked great in my opinion. being able to explore a gears game like this was magical. The campaign in and of itself was very good in my opinion, has lots of replay-ability due to player choice affecting some outcomes.

Regarding the multiplayer, its standard gears multiplayer. I enjoy the addition of being able to see how much damage your shot did to the opponent, its nice to know if you actually had a bad shot vs thinking the game just didnt register it or something.

Horde mode, I am absolutely not a fan. as a game mode in and of itself its good, it just lacks what the predecessors before it had. Customization. sure, you technically can choose whatever character you want, but the addition of ultimates makes some better than others, and that removes the personality from it in my opinion. It was nice seeing people choose their favorite characters and being able to talk to them about it, now it seems more about meta than who people truly like.

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2022
