Hey there! I’ll be honest, I don’t have a great deal of interest in talking about Elden Ring in any formal capacity. If someone wants to pay me to do it, I might, but no-one likely does. :/

Anyway, instead of a write-up, I’m just gonna list my 10 favorite proper nouns in the game.


10. Vulgar Militiamen (keepsies on this one for my future hardcore punk band)
9. Shabriri Grape
8. Ancient Death Rancor
7. Morgott, The Omen King
6. Flame, Fall Upon Them (the choice to make spell names full sentences is always sick, regardless of property)
5. Fingercreeper
4. Land Squirt
3. Albinauric Bloodclot (I would ride around on Torrent just mouthing “albinauric bloodclot” a lot)
2. [Bastard’s Stars](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Bastard's+Stars)
and finally, 1. Godskin Stitcher

Alright, bye!!

Reviewed on Jun 14, 2022


1 year ago

where does Wormface make it in your ranking

1 year ago

It's a contender for top 20, no doubt...

1 year ago

Family heads, just because it's dumbfoundingly literal

1 year ago

my weapon was godskin stitcher!!! thank you

1 year ago

I lugged that big thing around for a while too! It wasn't what I ended the game with but I couldn't help but try it.