Make every lego game like this please.

What a great game, so much fan-service and fun! Perfect to play during Zoom class.

still slaps

I will 100% one day.

Game that took me a while to really like. Gameplay is actually great and you do feel like the heroes. Level design is lacking.

Okay story, carried by Ms. Marvel, and great moments here and there. Once it starts to feel like an Avengers game, there's like an hour left.

Originally 5, but now 6.5/10

Beauty of playing this mad late is being able to appreciate it without people caring.

Seriously, levels themselves were really fun and were some of my favorite concepts in the series. Story is competent enough, actually paid attention to an extent.

Solid story that I fizzled out midway for me. Very interesting moments, but my enthusiasm for this one wasn't high. Learned to like it, but still not enough.

Genuinely scared to play the other games cause this felt so unique.

"hella" isn't a corny term godammit

Really appreciate this game for what it was tryna do. Grateful it exists. Awesome character interactions.

Game with personality that can get annoying, but one of those games they just don't make anymore. Fun treasure of the time.

3rd playthrough, was really able to take it all in. Its a vibe.

Party Pooper one of my favorite achievements ever, just cold.

This one takes a while to get used to. Its fun when it clicks, but many continues later.

Playing in a Pixar movie

Particle effects go boom