19 reviews liked by Franppuccino

"Analysis of death is not for the sake of becoming fearful but to appreciate this precious lifetime"
- LEGO Trooper


A great horror game that mostly holds up to this day. Took me some time to get used to the tank controls, but it eventually became second nature. The game doesn't rely too much on jumpscares and lets the atmosphere do the work. However, it tends to pull some cheap shots on you with the enemy placements towards the later parts.
I prefer the second game in terms of story, but the very first outing in the town of Silent Hill still managed to impress me with its masterfully composed spooky vibes.

This game is so broken and annoying it infuriates me to this day.

might just be the worst game of all time

Only Persona game with a female protagonist, which I appreciate a lot, maybe that's why I like it so much? (Ignoring the obvious controversy with the child social link)

you don't like these games more than me, these games were made for me, i can feel this game in my balls

Kinda short and lacking in the dynamism of Smooth Moves’ dedicated multiplayer modes, alongside character designs that never survived Get It Together, but it’s Warioware, you play it drunk with a buddy and take the piss whenever it makes them do the dick-sucking pose. Possibly my GOTY - Wario is the chosen Muad’Dib fighting against the death knell of the couch-co-op era.

"Travis is a flawed character and a loser you shouldn't relate to him" I'm just as a big of a loser as him simple as

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