First half: funny puzzle game. Second half: brilliant pseudo-philosophical walking simulator. It's way better than Prey in how it makes fun of perception and reality; and some sequences are so good that once more I cannot but think of how Control is tragicomically weak and trite in playing with both.

Spoiling quote:

In a few minutes, you'll be back in the real world, and some part of you will say that none of this was real: So how could it have really meant anything? But - just like the power of perspective itself - it will have been as real as you believed it to be.

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2023


1 year ago

Was super confused by the rating because the review sounds like you liked it, but you gave it a 4/10

Then I read the scoring rubric in your bio and I'm now even more confused lol truly the most unhinged ratings on the whole site

1 year ago

Ahah no it's just that the bio kinda messed up things. I re-edited it and it should make more sense now. A 2/5 is basically a 7/10, I prefer to be precise with higher scores and less with lower ones, so that's why I give all insufficient games (imho) half a star, and from the first star on they're all >6/10! Sorry for the mess lol (also: never noticed it, since I am waiting they release the Backloggd app and only update this profile once in a while). Thank you for noticing! :D