This is the one! This is the Spelunky game that really brought the series into the limelight. Super fun, super challenging, and super tightly designed. This is a standout among Roguelikes even a decade after it came out for good reason.

One of the best indie games ever made. A game this good made by one person shouldn't be fucking possible, man. It was worth the 5 years of dev time, Pixel-san.

This is peak Katamari. You owe it to yourself to play this game.

Much like the adjectives it introduced, it's Scribblenauts with a little extra. Letting you put adjectives before something doesn't seem like it would make a difference, but it really does!

Really cool concept for a puzzle game! It does feel pretty barebones, however.


Neat concept, but poor execution. It's pretty bland.

I see the console battle simulators are regressing now- ARE THOSE THE N64 MODELS!? STILL!?!

One of the all time classics. How could you possibly hate this game?

Cool tech, Argonaut Software. Too bad every single other Star Fox game invalidates this one's existence since they're ALMOST ALL JUST THIS GAME AGAIN BUT BETTER.

This is the best way to play modern Yu-Gi-Oh officially. Extremely well supported by Konami, good monetization(!), and fantastic music and presentation.

Good twist on modern Yu-Gi-Oh, the 3 Zone limit and Skills add some interesting new wrinkles to how certain decks perform compared to OCG/TCG. Plus, it's the only way to play Rush Duels against other humans in TCG regions currently. Also great for fans of the animes, with lots of good fanservice with interactions and voice lines. The plot they've been cooking is also very interesting.

This game is only as good as what you use it for.

It's a fiiiiiiine tycoon game, but it's really nothing more than that.

Play Spelunky HD instead. Still a groundbreaking Roguelike.