Cool vibes in this game all around. Love the MS Paint style, it might turn some people away but every frame of animation is a pleasure to look at. OST is full of bangers, can't think of one song I didn't like. Love the game's humor too from the visual gags in the animation when playing and the backgrounds to just general good pacing.
Just about every level has some unique gimmick/power up to throw at you which sounds like a big gaming red flag but it is honestly done so well and never kills the pacing, usually goes down to a puzzle to get rid of a power up you have because you can't get too far without it. Once you get the groove of the game it becomes very fast paced and running through levels. I think I had a big grin on my face throughout my entire playthrough
Didn't 100% to beat but will probably go back to try to.
Excellent platformer all-around. Wish Peppino Pizza was real I'd eat there every week

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2023
