Finally, someone brings a Nintendo formula to the PC.

Tinykin is Pikmin. I’ve seen people call it everything from Chibi Robo to Mario but this is absolutely a Pikmin clone. I’m always amazed at how few PC games are based on Nintendo Franchises, but Tinykin does this right and it’s fantastic. You explore a large house and meet various creatures that can accomplish different goals.

At the same time, Tinykin is a bit short with only 6 levels. There are collectibles, and small challenges after the game, but it may only last about 10 hours. There’s not a lot of challenge either but it’s still quite fun. The gameplay is really solid, and the style is brilliant, every level is a different piece of the house, and the experience here is fantastic.

Pick this up if you like Pikmin, or if you just want an interesting game where you explore a house. This should get a lot of attention and it’s the perfect game to play with your kids or just by yourself. I enjoyed this game so much that I bought a copy on Steam because I want more games like this.

A small note, there does appear to be a problem with AMD graphics cards and this game. Not everyone is having it, but a friend of mine’s game is unplayable at this point, which is a shame because he also enjoyed the first level. Hopefully, they can fix that.

If you want to see more from me: Check out my video on this last month of Game Pass games:

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2022
