307 reviews liked by KoXmoS

É uma baita evolução comparado aos jogos anteriores da franquia, história mais bem elaborada, bons arcos de personagens e bons momentos também, uma bela de uma fantasia.

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot poderia ter sido muito melhor do que é, mas pra mim é só uma puta chatice tediosa ctrl c ctrl v do anime, só que com gráficos de jogo, as cenas são bonitas pelo menos, mas o jogo não inova em nada além disso.

Diálogos ruins
Lutas principais medíocres
Missões principais onde você é OBRIGADO a caçar tal item em tal lugar em toda saga o tempo todo só pra fazer você andar pelo mapa
Missões secundárias insuportáveis (único ponto positivo disso é que trouxe personagens antigos e conhecidos de volta)

Apesar disso tudo, eu amo Dragon Ball Z e também tive bons momentos com as principais partes da história.

Joguei a primeira vez quando lançou e amei, mas decidi rejogar anos depois e me arrependo. Meu objetivo ao rejogar esta porcaria era fazer o conteúdo endgame que não fiz na primeira vez que joguei, além de ter as DLCs dessa vez, só não fiz a expansão, também fiz os chefes extras e todas as missões secundárias, mas só isso não foi o suficiente pra me prender no jogo, tive uma grande dificuldade em manter o meu ânimo pra rushar o jogo e zerar o mais rápido possível, pulando todas as cutscenes e skits, mas enfrentando todos os mobs do jogo, completei tudo com 28h53m, enfim...

História fraca com vilões ruins e desinteressantes
Gameplay extremamente enjoativa com mobs demorando um século pra serem derrotados, principalmente os chefes, que tem uma "super armadura" que impede você de ficar fazendo combos, nos mobs pelo menos isso é possível.

Não recomendaria.

I'm not really into free to play/mobile games e.t.c, but when I heard that Genshin Impact is a role playing game inspired by Breath of the Wild, without pay to win microtransactions, it caught my attention.
I can't share my thoughts for the story because it's not complete yet but it's quite intriguing so far.
The gameplay is pretty good. It looks cool, it feels satisfying and it plays well.
The world is arguably the best part of the game, it's fun and rewarding to explore this massive world filled with content and unique areas.
It's quite impressive how this game has more content than most full-priced titles out there, even if the quest design is quite repetitious.
Also, the art style is quite beautiful.
Unfortunately though, there are some things that bothered me a bit.
There's not enough enemy variety, grinding to level up the Adventure Rank in order to progress is tedious after a while, and I hope the developers will add mounts in the game someday because the traversal feels slow at times.
The microtransactions were an after-thought for the most part, but more characters should've been for free.

+ Good gameplay
+ Very fun exploration
+ Huge world filled with content
+ Great art style
+ Co-op

- Not enough enemy variety and repetitive quest design
- Grinding and monetization
- Slow traversal

Narrative: ?/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Content: 8/10
Music: ?/10
Art Style: 8/10

Final Rating: 7.5/10
- Very Good -
Genshin Impact is one of the better free-to-play games I've played, however, I hope the developers won't get lazy in the future because this game has a ton of potential.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes, it's fun and for free.

I've never been fan of this genre; I've only played Fortnite for half an hour and I got bored. I've heard very positive things about Apex Legends though and I decided to give it a try.
In my opinion, Apex Legends isn't just a significantly better game than Fortnite, but it's genuinely a really good game overall. I am quite decent at this game and it is a lot of fun!
The gameplay is amazing despite not being anything special, and it feels very smooth.
The characters are different from each other, some characters can act as support and tank while others are offensive.
The graphics are good and the audio is great.
Also, game focuses a lot on teamplay with some unique mechanics and items for communication; you can even revive your teammates when they die. Teamplay can get a bit frustrating at times, but it's fantastic when it works.
What about the flaws? Well, first of all, there isn't enough content, and secondly, the monetization is a little bit messed up; there are few microtransactions but quite too expensive.

+ Fun and smooth gameplay
+ Diverse characters
+ Focuses a lot on teamplay
+ Nice visuals

- Not enough content
- Monetization

Gameplay: 9/10
Content: ?/10
Graphics/Audio: 8/10

Final Rating: 8/10
- Great -
Apex Legends is a great game, even though it's lacking content.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes, it's worth a try and it's for free.

Before diving into my review, I wanted to say that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was my favorite videogame for a long time; it's the most important videogame of my life, I spent thousands of hours playing it for many years, it's basically my childhood and it feels like coming back home everytime I play it. With that being said, I decided to play the special edition now and I'm gonna review it based on how it aged.
While the plot isn't anything special, the rich lore really makes up for a decent story overall.
The gameplay is still good; the combat system hasn't aged very well, but the game is very addictive thanks to its variety and open world design.
The RPG elements are well executed, the world feels massive even to this day and there's so much side-content to do.
The visuals don't look as impressive as they did back then but the world is still beautiful.
The expansions - Dawnguard and Dragonborn - are great; they add 2 of the best quest-lines in the game, plus some very cool additions into the game.
Also, Skyrim's soundtrack is one of my favorite - if not my favorite - in a videogame, ever.
Unfortunately though, the voice acting didn't age well at all, and same goes for the dungeon design too; many dungeons are similar to each other and they get repetitive after a while.
Lastly, I think Special Edition could've done much better job at updating the game's visuals than it did, and maybe update the combat system as well.

+ Rich lore
+ Addictive gameplay
+ Excellent world design
+ Huge world filled with of content
+ 2 very good DLCs
+ Incredible soundtrack

- Repetitive dungeon design
- Dated voice acting

Narrative: 6/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Content: 10/10
Characters: ?/10
Music: 10/10
Graphics/Audio: ?/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
It's been over a decade since The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's first release and this game still manages to offer a very solid RPG experience that holds a special place in my heart.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes, it'll always be a must-play for everyone in my opinion, even for those who don't enjoy playing RPGs.

It was a nice concept, however there are too many dialogues and game is overall slow. You have to finish many quests to unlock some items. I just wanted to get in the game and play it like a sandbox. However, that's on me, just like Kratos said: "Keep your expectations low boy, and you'll never be disappointed."
I might try the 2nd game tho

Somehow a random dude's closed beta key got into my email as it did with many others and I could get a peek at this game. I don't even know why I signed up for beta.
Optimization is kinda rough at this point, which is fine because it's still in closed beta.
There are few cars and few tracks and gameplay is kinda hard, I know this game is striving to be the most realistic car game and it is the reason why I struggled to drive the cars. I just want to wreck some cars in a derby.

Not that I would know but according to the others, it's fun with friends.

Played purely for the technical aspects as it's one of the few true PS5 exclusives and I was not disappointed on that front, visually gorgeous with super impressive traversal and non-loading.

Apart from that, y'know, it's a kids game. The gameplay is serviceable. The story can be painfully corny but on the other hand there's a crocodile shaman named Gary. So mixed bag there.