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9 hrs ago

8 days ago

MoeGreenSpecial finished Lil Gator Game
Cute BOTW-like that knows what it wants to be, delivers that through gameplay and story, and then leaves before overstaying its welcome. Also, quite thankfully, provides post-game assists for mopping up collectibles if you are so inclined.

9 days ago

9 days ago

MoeGreenSpecial finished Sea of Stars

This review contains spoilers

This was an engaging turn based RPG, with fun varied gameplay, and a good story. Generally the writing was funny and the mood of the game was uplifitng without being saccharine, which I appreciated. The amount of content here is staggering, especially for a team so small. There are a huge variety of biomes, all with unique art, enemies, and music to go with them.

I very much appreciated how the designers of the game kept combat from getting stale. Not only did they use the usual tricks of having different enemies be strong/weak against different damage types - but they introduced a lock system where enemies needed to be hit by specific types of attacks before a specific number of turns in order to prevent an attack. At its best, this functions as a mini in-battle puzzle, trying to figure out how to shuffle your characters and abilities around in order to meet the requirements of the lock. In combination these things really helped avoid the trap that many turn based combat systems can fall into where you find one combination of attacks that works for you and just settle into them for the rest of the game.

For a lot of the game I was wishing there was a fast travel system, but one does appear in the very late game. I do also wish there was a good way to go back to the world map quickly when you were in a level -- this would have been especially useful when mopping up collectibles.

My only major gripe with the game is a spoiler for the very end game ...
The final boss fight in the true ending was all fine and good, but then it goes to a space shooter format out of nowhere after the whole game to that point had only required succeeding at turn based combat. Failure on the shooter part resets the final boss's health, which meant that this encounter took me well over an hour to complete when streaming from my Xbox to my Steam Deck. :-/ Additionally, maybe I missed it, but I didn't even see a prompt telling you what the controls were in this portion -- it took me 4 or 4 times through before I realized you could press A to shoot. Having such a required change of pace come out of nowhere so late in the game was truly unfortunate.

11 days ago

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