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Monafied followed VSLazer

13 days ago

13 days ago

Monafied followed Anon

13 days ago

13 days ago

13 days ago

Monafied finished Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
The government doesn't want you to know there's free puppies in the desert, you can just extract them.

Less stealth and more open ended, there's plenty of stuff to develop and experiment with, except they added real timers for said stuff because this is a mobile game apparently. I did do the total stealth airport mission in a box though so who needs any of the cool weapons and tools.

Who invented chapter 2 in this game? Do the same missions for no reason, we just wanted to pad the game out. You want Quiet back? Just do the same mission 7 times in a row, because that's fun.

Story is loosely connected through missions, with only certain ones leading to cutscenes and plot development. It picks up once you get to Africa though.

14 days ago

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