Now we're finally getting some features.

Still kind of barebones compared to later Picross e games, but I do love this kind of puzzle.

The combat's fun, but the story was so boring I stopped playing so I wouldn't have any more story inflicted on me. And I can put up with some pretty boring stories for fun gameplay.

I really don't like menu-based combat, and I didn't enjoy the story enough to put up with the combat.

The game's not bad, but it feels really drawn out. Also it only has Japanese voices and I couldn't stand the super high-pitched voices of the two main characters. I dunno, I just didn't find it compelling.

I played this game for a single session that lasted like four hours and then never picked it up again. I probably shouldn't have played it as my first game in the series.

This game was fun, though a bit repetitive for how long it is.

For the most part, this is a lot easier than Picross e6, but the mode where the game doesn't tell you when you've made a mistake bumps up the difficulty quite a bit. Still, I think I prefer e6.

The writing is fun and the art is nice. In a game like this, that's about all I want out of it. The platforming minigame was a bit trickier than I'd have liked, but they do give you options to make it easier. I was just too stubborn to use them.

I enjoy a good beat-em-up game, but this one really expects you to play with a friend, which I couldn't.

This isn't a bad game, but it just didn't make me feel anything.

This game is cool, but my sense of rhythm is terrible. Also playing it genuinely hurt my hands and arms.

I played this game when I was a child. I don't think I can rate it fairly now.

This game is so drawn out, even basic camera pans take way too long. And I played in turbo mode! I did not feel like my time was being respected, so I quit partway through.

This game takes a long time for everything, but it has one of the wildest ending twists I've ever seen, and that's pretty cool.