Bit of a letdown after Symphony, but it's only slightly less cheeks than 64.

Nathan walks really slowly and jumps surprisingly high, which gives a really weird feeling. The Belmonts all strutted everywhere but they didn't jump up like Nathan does. Alucard waks faster and jumps higher. Nathan walks like a Belmont but jumps like Alucard, which leads to a disorienting movement system, and double-tapping to run in a map like CotM's is more than a little annoying.

The card system is in theory very fun- mixing and matching an impressive amount of base effects with an equal amount of elemental alterations is actually a really cool system that I'd like to see in a later game, but the problem is that you have to grind out pretty badly for each card- and there are 24. Rough.

As well as this, the music fumbles for the first time in a while in Castlevania and the bosses aren't as memorable as earlier games. The final fight with Dracula is terrible and is one of the worst bosses in the series, rivalled by only Dracula X's final fight.

Circle of the Moon is a prime candidate for a remake, in my opinion. There are a lot of cool ideas that went to waste, and I would love to see a return to Nathan and Hugh's story in future.

Next- Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
Previous- Castlevania (1999)

Reviewed on May 28, 2023
