Anakaris is top 2 in this game and that's really funny.,

Shin Megami Tensei 3 nocturne is a weird game to talk about. Its this monolith of a game, built up by years of praise and memes, its a fun game, some of the last dungeons can suffer from this thing we call "poor design", but the atmosphere makes up for that, every bit of nocturne feels isolated, removed from the world. its a good game, if you like jrpgs, i reccomend it immensely.

A charming little adventure that will take you 3 hours to beat, its intended to be played multiple times tho, be prepared to savescum in order to get the ending you want.

How to enjoy Knux Chaotix (full guide offical)

1. Pick Charmy

2. Ignore the level

3. Enjoy the soundtrack and the vibes

4. You have now successfully enjoyed your knuckles chaotix experience.

No burst makes this a real mans game, dont get hit.

Responsible for the class video "here comes pacman" so honestly game of the century

Starlight Zone is the best one ok thank you

Just dont get hit by an ik and you'll be fine.

The soundtrack is the best part.

A shallow game that is pretending to say something, but falls flat on its face and says nothing. I wish it got more dev time to become something special, but what we have now is a hollow husk of a game set in a pr neat open world.

Monk Only Run lets gooooooooooooo