A Desert Bus homage that retains much of the original experience but trades the pain of extreme patience and exhaustion for the pain of demanding continuous input from the player.

Heatstroke seem unsatisfied to simply be Desert Bus with typing and includes a large quantity of interesting art assets and a shockingly extensive soundtrack, these additions however seem to come from a place of bargaining knowing that Heatstroke will never live up to the legacy it celebrates.

The narrative the player is forced to type is highly engaging (if a little slow to start) which is almost crueller than if it was just mindless drivel. In fact HeatStroke seems to be obsessed with cruelty, limiting the players pause time, declaring their progress not being worth saving and actively lying to the player on various occasions.

All in all HeatStroke feels more like tumour plucked from the brain of a insecure wreck of a developer than a project ever intended to be played by human beings.

A game that seeks to reignite the immersive sim genre but gets far too bogged down in its own idiosyncratic jank.

A broken mess that many have Stockholm syndrome for. Run.

The meta is seemingly super broken but that is all made up for by the story mode.

The cross compatibility is cool I guess, otherwise it is just another smash game to me.

The cross compatibility is cool I guess, otherwise it is just another Smash game to me.

It feels like watching a bunch of ADHD kids fight.
A game really not meant for me, that I can still find respect for.

A physics puzzler that still holds up and is bathed in a breath taking sense of melancholy.

This game has one of the most whimsical and haunting soundtracks I have ever heard.

An alright bullet hell that seems more like a try out for compatibility between developers Edmund and Tommy than an actually engaging experience.

Fun if you own the basement collection and are exceptionally bored.

A game seemingly misremembered by many, moments such as Storming Athens, Slaying the Hydra and journeying through the Desert come up often in discussion but in truth make up little of the game's actual run time.

Once the game reaches Pandora's temple all sense of pacing collapses to never return leaving only a bloated boring parody of its opening hours in its wake.

A remarkably emotional experience that is better in everyway than Rain World's original offerings.

No game has ever before tackled themes of deep time to such an excruciatingly remarkable effect and I honestly suspect no other game during my life will. Downpour earns the perfect score by making me experience emotions no piece of media has ever been capable of before.

An absolutely once in a lifetime expansion that was practically produced through human sacrifice on the behalf of devout border line zealous fans.

A game that feels like it wasn't meant to be played by humans. It took me a full 20 hours of not getting it for the game to finally click.

It's an amazing experience that will just be fundamentally incompatible with most people.

A cataclysmic disaster of a game in the most boring way possible.


This game feels like everything the original Quake would have been if it was given time to be completed. Very atmospheric and satisfying experience.

This DLC adds a lot of stuff! Is it good stuff? Mostly no.
Partially salvaged by the 5 high quality booster pack updates added post launch.