50 reviews liked by TheOnesWhoAre

Put it off for too damn long but I’m so glad I finally got to it, game was so good. The last 3 hours were peak. So creative, visually spectacular and the soundtrack bangs. Gameplay isn’t 100% for me all the time, but it is super fun

you know that one video of squidward crying after trying a krabby patty for the first time

feeling like the reviewer from ratatouille when he tries the food and remembers his entire childhood in seconds

This game is like "What if Pikmin 2 was as good as Pikmin 2 fans said it was"

the developers gave this game's rights to the hello neighbor team and even god himself trembled

And still undefeated: the Zelda team!

"Link... Would you still love me if i was a worm?"

XB3:FR where the FR stands for "fucking RADIO?!?!?"

i did not enjoy this game but that doesnt stop me from thinking about it nostalgically every december

1 list liked by TheOnesWhoAre

10 Games