best quality: its wiggles

(because lord knows this game doesnt have anything else going for it)


like damn sorry for not wanting to get raped in casual play and wanting to get into a match against people my skill level instead of wasting my time in a hopeless fight sorry

but fr tho if i worked on this game i would genuinely be ashamed

Super Sonic's Story:
its pretty much just the ending to the game with one boss fight lol
but the boss fight is good in the first half, if a bit easy. theres an undeniable hype to seeing sonic transform into super sonic and speed across the water to hit a water monsters brain while crush 40 plays
and then the second phase ruins it by removing crush 40 and spamming you with lasers, making the fight go from easy to... not hard, but really annoying. then thats it, alls well that ends well (aside from the millions dead from chaos's rampage)

Final Thoughts:
sonic adventure is imo still a pretty great game, just with a lot of baggage. the camera may not be great, the chao garden may be better in 2, half the characters might not be good, but sonic, tails and gamma really do make the game something great. sure big hurts the game quite a bit, sure knuckles is mid, sure amy is... nothing, and sure the game is jank. the bosses for the most part kinda suck... but what's good in this game truly does make up for it. i'd say this game is greater than the sum of its parts, and-besides big- this game aged extremely well. i wish we could get another sonic game like this, not necessarily a remake (though this game would benefit from it if they keep sonics physics and do a total rework of big) but i just wish we could get something new that understands what made this game so special, what made it work so well and realize its true potential. there arent enough sonic games out there that just let you play as other characters with their own unique playstyle and objectives
but it is what it is.

Gamma's story:

barely saying a word, the actual story to this campaign is rather great. simple yet effective. and the gameplay is fun too despite being only a small handful of levels, but they all end with a pretty decent boss
good campaign

Big's Story:

it really is that bad.

Amy's Story

this uh
sure is a campaign
its not as bad as some will say, but its not good either
its kinda like a sonic-ified resident evil 3 where youre constantly being chased by an unkillable threat, keeping you on the run as you platform your way through the level. problem is, the robot chasing amy (zero) isnt much of a threat. amy is pretty slow in these levels, but it can be fun to control her if you can build enough speed to do a hammer jump... just dont get the long hammer because (in addition to coming in too late to matter) the sound effect is just ruined. it might sound like a nitpick, but the hammer jump with the default hammer just... it just has a satisfying click. it makes me understand dogs more, you know how you reward them with that clicker thing... its like that. anyway you can knock zero down in one hit and that'll stun him for long enough to do a "puzzle" (puzzle being put the green block in the green slot, pressing a button, or rotating a valve) and then just cruise through the level without any real issue until you reach the balloon that ends the level. do that 3 times and then have a boss fight and you're done. the levels arent even long either, they'll probably take you about 4 minutes each. you get a boss fight with zero at the end and hes pretty easy. bop him into the electric fence, bop his head, avoid his ring attack by jumping, repeat 2 more times and thats it, thats the campaign done. even the actual story to the campaign is nothing special, since its just "amy finds a bird then gets distracted by everything as the robot chases her"
its short, its neither good nor bad, its just kind of... there. it exists and then its over in like half an hour, and half of that is either cutscenes or meandering around the overworld.

Knuckles Story:

Knux might be the worst campaign in the game. 5 levels of treasure hunting and all of em are just recycled portions of sonic levels. the treasure indicator is finicky and the collectables can be found in very weird places, and it all ends on a boss thats sonic's and big's leftovers. what a downgrade. even his upgrades suck, i have never once needed to use the fighting gloves in my twenty-something years of playing this game. his story has so little thought put into it either "master emerald destroyed, find pieces, get tricked by eggman, fight sonic, ok i found all the master emerald pieces the end"
literally just feels like an afterthought

Tails Story:
while sonics campaign was a much more straightforward adaption of the traditional 2d gameplay into a 3d environment, the tails levels are more... interesting. its a shorter campaign where the story is largely the same, just from tails perspective, and now the core gameplay is racing sonic in levels that are mostly identical to how they were in sonics campaign. its a neat little novelty but could have been done better. its not even all the sonic levels, and while tails does get his own sandboarding level, one where he doesnt race anyone, it just felt pointless. much like the bosses he fights. theyre almost all just "fight this character from the sonic campaign but without the homing attack" and the bosses were already a lowpoint in the game, or rather the boss fights against other characters you play as, anyway (though a couple of other bosses tails fights arent great either)
tails story does however make up for it all by the end with a great final race against eggman to see who can get to the nuke first, culminating into one of the best bosses in the game, the egg walker, as tails gets his moment in the spotlight as his own hero, independent of sonic (we dont talk about forces)
a charming little campaign

Sonic's story:

an excellent transition of the 2d formula into 3d with some of the best physics and controls in the series, and i love the addition of the overworld. to me, this is what 3d sonic should have been. its not perfect, there is some jank and there could be more levels, there were also a couple of... not great levels (casino and skydeck), but beyond that, this was a wonderful campaign that still holds up if you can deal with a minorly annoying camera (its really not THAT bad)

literally the only reason to play this absolute dogshit game is to get free shit in fortnite

at first, the season seems promising, a step up from the first
then the novelty wears off and you realize that everything notable in the map was stripped out, meaning the new POIs are the only ones with anything in them, the new olympian items just kind of leave you vulnerable so theyre borderline useless once everyones used to them, any new weapons feel pretty much the same as last seasons weapons with a couple exceptions, and returning weapons were the worst ones from last season. even the battle pass is kinda just okay.
chapter 5 hasnt been great so far. next season really better feel good

my previous joke review aside, this is probably one of the best demos ive played that excellently showcases what the final game has to offer, all while giving this short tongue-in-cheek adventure where ryo has to find segas director and basically be a bodyguard to him before 7pm, and you gotta find where he is without much help, by asking if anyone on the street has seen him, admittedly you cant do much of the stuff you can in the final game, mostly just talk, admire the scenery, look at a couple objects and then have a chase that introduces you to the quick time events, which are weirdly brutal in their timing as you can fail them while the indicator is still on the screen. i havent played shenmue (yet) but i can only hope those either improved in the final game or at least the somewhat recentish remasters. the game also has a missed oppritunity to show off the combat, as it ends on a thug showing up to harm the director, but that just gets resolved without you (the player, not ryo) doing anything. its not much, but if you're interested in shenmue at all, or even just the substories in the yakuza games (as this demo just feels like the precursor to those) this is a short and sweet novelty that i recommend checking out. theres an english patch you should be able to find rather easily.

when they say first cover-based shooter they fucking mean it

look the games not great, theres no denying it
but its got that y2k aesthetic that i adore, and also theres a novelty to seeing twink satan in a fishnet tanktop with his nipples exposed