I finished all of Normal Mode, the first extra world and the first 9 worlds of Hard Mode but then I lost interest in it. The game is good.

The copy abilities + combination mechanic is obviously the highlight, but the other movement options (jumping, kicks, dodge roll) are all great and needed to win especially in Hard Mode. The bosses are very good, some of them are skillful, some of them offer a great spectacle, the best of them both. Copying the boss' signature move to use against them is always hype.

The level design in Normal Mode is a bit basic but becomes glorious in Hard Mode, with the levels forcing you to choose which enemy to kill with what copy ability in an almost puzzle-like manner (that W6-hard level was insane).

The story is pretty good for what it is and I find the 2000s deviantart artstyle charming.

Endless mode (wave based) was unexpectedly fun as well with the randomly changing environments and exclusive boss fights.

I might revisit the game to finish the remainder of Hard Mode someday

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2023
