Every single second of playing this game I was thinking "Wow, we've come a long way!" The shooting feels weak, there's almost no hit feedback, Jango's controls are clumsy, the jetpack feels awful, enemies are spongy and sloppily placed, levels go on too long, the camera doesn't work, the writing is atrocious... Actually I don't know, that last point is pretty authentic to the Star Wars experience, I guess that's ok, but god the rest of this game sucks!

I bailed at the prison break level, which is roughly halfway through the game. I wouldn't even say I got "filtered," that implies the developers had some level of intention and designed their game to be challenging. Rather, Bounty Hunter's many problems add up here in a really grotesque way and it made me hit my breaking point. The last straw was when the controls glitched out and Jango was suddenly only capable of strafing while a turret melted his health. This was about five minutes from the end of a 30 minute level and it was my last life and look, at some point you have to look at your backlog and respect the fact that there's multiple hundreds of games on there and you could be playing something else. Playing this on the GameCube might also be part of the problem, and I don't really have a good answer for why I chose that platform specifically. I guess I wanted to hold its controller for a while, feel like a goofy goober.

This also doesn't do anything for me as a (admittedly fair weather) fan of Star Wars. Bounty Hunter attempts to provide context for why Jango agreed to be cloned, but like much of the Prequel era content, it's not a story that really needs to be told. At the very least they don't do anything interesting with it. You could probably play around with the idea that Jango wants a family, or that he cares about legacy, but instead his nagging mother pesters him to have some kids and I guess he finally relents. Maybe they go somewhere with it in the later half of the game, it's probably not fair to judge the story as a whole, but what I was able to digest wasn't particularly compelling.

At least they got Temuera Morrison on board, so thank christ Bounty Hunter has one thing going for it.

Reviewed on Jun 01, 2023

1 Comment

10 months ago

They should make a Cook, Serve, Delicious style game set in Dexter Jettster's space diner.