5: best in class
4.5: minor hiccup or two
4: very enjoyable but doesn't go above and beyond
3.5: good only under specific circumstances
3: has potential and is entertaining for a while
2.5: mediocre and completely unremarkable
2: fun but has some major issues that irk me
1.5: major issues and not much to redeem it
1: they tried but it's not for me
0.5: why did they think this was a good idea

note: my ratings usually are based on my personal experience and enjoyment. i'll specify in my review if i gave it a high/low score due to my own reasons but recognize that as an objective video game it's actually terrible/brilliant.
Personal Ratings



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interesting and addicting at first, with the puzzles genuinely making you think while still all being logically solvable, but gets repetitive and sort of frustrating from the pacing/padding between finding new corpses. the starting narrative is compelling, but once you fill out the broad strokes after the first two hours it's easy to see the full picture, and you're left with 8 hours of mindlessly combing over minutiae details, which is my main beef with the game.

on its own it's pretty cool when you realize oh this guy has this pair of shoes so i can trace it back to his bunk number!! but then you have to make the long trek back to cross check, and to make matters worse there's a lot of padding during this process, like only being able to exit cutscenes through doors or the stupid light that unveils new corpses that i hate with all my soul, because is there really a reason i need to follow it around in circles instead of just walking in a straight line to where the corpse is supposed to be? padding like this is rampant throughout the game, like having to wait way too long for new chapter details to unveil itself, and at times it felt more like a walking simulator than a detective game to me. i understand that the developer wanted more realism as opposed to it feeling too 'gamey', but when added with the fact that this game gives me motion sickness like no other, I feel that my enjoyment of the game would've been much higher if i was able to jump between discovered cutscenes easily to cross reference things.

at it stood, even though i really enjoyed the process of deducing identities (real world logic actually applies in every scenario, which is something i've only really seen obra dinn be able to pull off so well), the hassle of all those mindless in-betweens ended up soiling a lot of it for me, which is a shame.

song mechanics are cool enough but i hate how the dialogue options never fully reflect what the actual dialogue is going to be like one second you think you're picking this thing but it turns out to be something else entirely. plus all the songs honestly sound the samey to me i just couldnt get into it.

fine enough time waster. i find the stars being timed so strictly a bit annoying though since most of the time i feel like the cursor physically just doesn't move fast enough.