Italian Pokémon fans waited years for this, and we've been told that we were finally gonna get a mature story in a Pokémon game. Lmao that absolutely wasn't the case. It's overall just an average Pokémon game with some cute stuff in the post-game

The controls are terrible. It was really painful to play it to the end, but the story is great and the dialogues are pretty good so I liked it nonetheless. Deserves a decent "remastered"

Why the hell are people reviewing this a separate game? Y'all know stand-alone expansions are still DLCs right? Of course it's gonna be the same game as Dishonored 2. I really don't understand how these people's brains work

It gets boring really quickly if you're not super into building houses or watching fake people doing stupid stuff on their own. Also EA sucks.

Loved the first one, but had to abandon this pretty quickly. It's just more of the same but with less atmosphere. Way too bland and content-less for a sequel to such a simple game

Fun arcade game, but I hate that you can only dodge horizontally

I will never forgive Atul for not giving me his scene at the everdoor

You obviously notice immediately that this is a really old game, but it doesn't ruin the experience at all. The story, despite being cliche mafia, was still pretty good

Act 1 was incredible and probably deserved 5 stars. But the game really fell down with Act 2 (I hated every second of it) and Act 3 is simply a repetition of Act 1 so it gets boring after a while. The ending was also kinda disappointing, didn't hate it but it was underwhelming.

Really enjoyable first run. Unfortunately it lacks replayability since after destorying the portal on every island other runs don't have any difference whatsoever, even DLCs don't add enough to make me replay it.

The world seems so fake in this and the performance is horrible in some cases despite having the same graphics(?). Forza Horizon 4 is way better, even if they're basically the same game.

It's weird to see "anime characters" in a videogame that are actually well written and have some depth.

Most overrated game of the decade. There is absolutely nothing remarkable about this game, the combat is horrible, the level design is from 2003, the puzzles are complete trash and frustrating to say the least and the story is boring and uninspired (if you managed to stay awake during those corny ass dialogues with screaming in the background). The only decent aspect of this were the voices in your head interacting with the gameplay, but other than that this is just another mediocre indie game that posers pretend to like in order to feel smart and sensitive, what a joke