191 reviews liked by dratyan

I have about 600 hours in this game
I also have a crippling Hunt addiction

I want to state that I am free of my addiction. See you later Hunt when you receive some engine updates!

made me forget about exams and fail a course.
now I need to retake that failed course.

I would not advise anyone to try this game - YET. Because there are so many issues. Gameplay bugs, animation issues, non-existent optimization, bad movement, trashy UI design and some more. Also, the fact that the game start VERY slow is a turn down for me, especially for a gameplay oriented game like this one. I am here for the gameplay, and yes, I am also listening to the story but the game revolves around the gameplay and not the story, so stop that 10 minutes of constant yapping and GIVE ME THE TOOLS TO EXPAND MY FACTORY.
Another thing is that there are research cubes and in order to research something in your technology tree you spend those research cubes BUT those cubes are, in fact, a material that you place in the world. A HUGE ASS CUBE THAT JUST SITS THERE SO YOU CAN RESEARCH SOME SHIT. They don't even disappear after you spend them. An example how frustrating they are is this: I decided to make a ladder out of those cubes as it was mandatory to place them somewhere and towards the 3rd hour, I had a colossal ladder reaching for the stars...
Just wait for it to be released, or at least a year.

It's a shame that it is abandoned because it had the potential to be a great game. Nice concept and gameplay and fun with friends for a short time. It's one of those games that you download once in every one or two years with your friends and then that one friend stops playing it because he's bored and then the other friends stop playing because it's not fun anymore without the whole gang and eventually you have to stop playing too because you are clinging onto the memories of the fun times you had with your friends while you all were playing together.

Finished my first gameplay at 30th hour and moved on with New Game +. This game is a wasted potential but still a nice space RPG. Even with mountainous negative aspects holding the game back, I had fun and continuing to have fun. I am constantly trying new mods to improve gameplay and I must say that I admire the modding community. Don't forget to endorse the mods you like!

If Age of Mythology was good, then why there is no Age of Mythology 2? Wait a minute, THERE IS!

I was a mess and couldn't enjoy the games anymore and THEN I find this game on Game Pass. I really enjoyed playing it, the overall quality was high. Textures, voiceover, story, THE ENDING, gameplay mechanics and the list goes on. Truly one of the best works of EA in a decade. I didn't think that I would finish this game 100% but I did. And while 100%ing other games generally felt like a burden, this one was different, I enjoyed patiently replaying the parts I have already been and getting the loot I missed. I can't wait to play the sequel even though it got less positive reviews than this one. I wanted to try the 'Sexy Merrin' mod but I have already uninstalled the game, what a shame...

Oh, the intro is pretty awesome too!

You will be simping over the itsy bitsy protagonist at the beginning, and then, towards the end, you will find yourself tinkering over how to get out of the purple cocoon that has a portal to the green cocoon while carrying the green cocoon, which, by the way, happens to have green and orange cocoons inside of it, AND THAT ORANGE COCOON ALSO HAS GREEN COCOON INSIDE OF IT.

All in all, it's a brilliantly crafted indie game made by a handful of people who thanks to more people in their credits than the total number of people who worked on the game.
It lasts about 4 hours, but you can be sure that those hours will fly by. The graphics are simple but well-designed. Audio is very nice. Gameplay has a beautifully designed learning curve that suits my intelligence and gameplay style.
All very well but also, this game is not for everyone who HATES puzzles in games. If you are not one of them, give this game a chance, and if you don't experience brain freezes like I did, then you don't have to play this game on three different days and just finish it in a session.

Masterpiece, must play. It cannot be described but only experienced.