With little-to-no experience with the dungeon crawler genre, I had no idea what I was getting into with this game. What compelled me to check it out was mostly the art and funny screenshots of a dozen or so dudes beating up on one enemy. What I didn't expect was to find a dangerously addictive gameplay loop, unforgettable story, and a new obsession that I can share with maybe three people max.

It's not the smoothest on-boarding experience, though. For every mechanic the game teaches you, it expects you to intuit two more. The character creator, while impressively in-depth (and one of my personal favorite parts of the game), can be intimidating to micromanage. Especially in later segments, I don't think there's any shame in using a guide. Yet, when you do figure out an optimal team config, skill setup, or enemy behavior, you really feel like you're taking a step towards mastery.

While I'd love to shill this game to everyone I come across, it does take a certain kind of person to take to it. The somewhat samey dungeons, unclear stat walls, and obscure progression can definitely turn a lot of people off. If you can look past the rough patches, though, you'll find an absolutely impeccable experience.

Reviewed on Apr 30, 2023
