um port meio fraco de um ótimo jogo
a weaker port of a great game

Ah, the internet, huh.
Fuck the internet.

esse jogo fez para jogos shovelware o que "to pimp a butterfly" fez para o hip-hop moderno e "heat" fez para thrillers de crime: é a versão definitiva do gênero, e apesar da existência de clássicos de natureza similar no passado, isso faz tudo o que eles fazem de melhor (ou nesse caso, pior) mas ao quadrado. recomendo jogar isso por pelo menos uma hora
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this game did to shovelware what "to pimp a butterfly" did to modern hip-hop and "heat" did to crime thrillers: it is the definitive version of the genre, and despite the existence of classics of the same vein in the past, this one does everything they do best (or in this case, worst) but squared. i recommend playing this for at least an hour

uma rara vitória para a sony e para "jogos de serviço"
a rare victory for sony and "GaaS"

estilo acima de substância: o jogo. infelizmente, termina de um jeito decepcionante. mesmo assim, deu pra se divertir se infiltrando em mini-bases apesar dos cenários repetitivos. eu vou fingir que "a quiet exit" não existe pois eu não tenho paciência pra terminar essa fase
style over substance: the game. sadly, it ends quite disappointingly. still, i had fun infiltrating in mini-bases despite the repetitive scenarios. i'll pretend "a quiet exit" doesn't exist because i lack the patience to finish that level

mesmo o gta 5 sendo o jogo de maior sucesso da franquia, ele ainda não supera o estado de ícone do san andreas, que talvez também seja um dos jogos mais icônicos dos anos 2000
even if gta 5 is the franchise's biggest sucess, it does not surpass san andreas' icon status, which might also be one of 2000s most iconic games

bem caótico, apesar de ser bem simples e ate arcaico. mas há seu charme
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very chaotic, despite being very simple and even archaic. but it has its charm

The ultimate Remedy game: A sequel to Alan Wake featuring a character resembling Max Payne, the live-action segments of Quantum Break and constant references to Control. For a first attempt at a Survival Horror, they knocked it out of the park, making the original game seem like an accidental comedy in comparison. Of course, it wears its influences up its sleeves a little bit too much (we get it sam! we already know you love twin peaks!) but c'mon, that's already to be expected by these Finnish bastards. Walking around too much after a chapter ended trying to nab collectibles also felt exhausting, even if I quickly forgot about it when getting into a new creative segment.

Other issues included the transition cutscenes (in-between levels, alan's game over screen, character switching) having messed up audio, where it plays, then doesn't play for seconds, then plays and keeps playing even after the cutscene ended. It even affected the last leg of The One Segment Everyone Keeps Talking About for me!