Jet pack bug exterminator the game

Pretty cool even with some annoyances. Gunvalkyrie is a 3rd person shooter/3d platformer hybrid. It requires you to navigate large maps taking out every enemy you see while exploring and platforming with a cool jet pack. Controls are weird at first but pretty smooth when you get the hang of it. It’s a satisfying little run n gun shooter that will have you exploring big environments and making good use out of your jet pack. It’s pretty fun and satisfying to switch back and forth between the blaster and machine gun to take out a army of giant ants. The loop of platforming then combat challenge is fun but when both are combined in some rooms it can become a great experience.

However when I say you have to kill every enemy I mean it. Your goal is to exterminate every enemy which is pretty fun and adds some slight puzzle elements as you have to learn to find the location of each enemy yet again using your abilities (and the map to help you out.) Howeevr it can be a little tedious with how often you have to check said map just to find some random enemies off to a corner and trust me you don’t want to miss like 2 enemies and have to backtrack back that can be annoying.
The lack of weapons is a let down too. I said the combat is fun but it easily could have been more fun and replayable if you could have a load out of weapons to pick from.

Visually this game is really cool. It sorta feels like Metroid with a Steampunk flair. Looks really cool. I like those valleys with those big mushrooms and that northern light sky. And those steampunk bases are cool too.

Even with some gameplay annoyances this game is pretty fun and has a cool style. I really wish this could have gotten a sequel but as it stands its an Xbox hidden gem.

Solid 4/5
Sega bring Kelly and Saburouta back.

Reviewed on Sep 23, 2022
